PatternFlyIcons font is generated using IcoMoon.
Go to Manage Projects
Import the project PatternFlyIcons-webfont.json
and Load it:
After the Load you should see the “PatternFlyIcons - webfont” set above the “IcoMoon - Free” set. Note that all icons in PatternFlyIcons are selected AND several icons in the IcoMoon set are also selected - keep those selections!
To add new icons to the PatternFlyIcons set, click on the right-hand kebab menu and select “Import To Set”. Import the new icons/svgs/pngs:
Make sure you select the new icons in the set (click on them to give them a yellow selection border).
Generate the fonts by clicking on the “Generate Font” button at the bottom of any IcoMoon webpage:
At the bottom of the “Generate Font” page, click on the “Download” button. This will download a zip file which you should expand. Go to where you expanded the downloaded zip file and copy the 4 font files in the “font” directory (PatternFlyIcons-webfont.eot, .svg, .ttf, .woff) to the patternfly repo under “dist/fonts”.
When finished, return to Manage Projects, and download the updated PatternFlyIcons-webfont.json file to the root of patternfly repo.
Next update the PatternFly icon test page.
To start this process, update “less/variables.less” and add new variables with the “content” values for the new icons.
Ex: @pficon-var-blueprint: "\e915";
To see the content values for the PF icons, click on the demo.html in the root dir of where you expanded the pf icon zip file.
Next, update "less/icons.less" and add new LESS to denote the new icons.
@{icon-prefix}-blueprint:before {
content: @pficon-var-blueprint;
Finally, update "tests-src/icons.html" to include the new icons.
<span class="pficon pficon-blueprint"></span>
<span class="icon-class">pficon-blueprint</span>
Do a ‘grunt build’ and ‘grunt server’ and review the Icons test page to verify the new icons render correctly.
Create a PR with the updated PatternFlyIcons-webfont.json file, the updated LESS files, the test-src file, and the generated font files under patternfly/dist/css and patternfly/dist/fonts.
An example of a patternfly icon/font update PR is: