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Releases: microsoft/CromwellOnAzure


21 Dec 18:19
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What's New in this Release

  1. Adds a readme.txt file to the new and abort virtual directories to make it easier for new users to submit/abort workflows
  2. Fix for when any exception occurs during the daily retrieval of new VM prices from the RateCard API. Default VM prices will be used from the newly-added DefaultVmPrices.json file, and daily retrieval will resume the following day
  3. Fix for a breaking change in the RateCard API (which itself has since been fixed by the RateCard team) where the content type was returned as utf8 instead of utf-8, resulting in an exception during VM price retrieval and the workflow failing
  4. Fix for when a trigger file's WorkflowUrl uses the default storage account (which doesn't require credentials), but also includes a SAS token, resulting in an exception and the workflow immediately failing
  5. Fix to prevent System.Console.CursorTop being less than zero in the new preview Windows Terminal, which resulted in an exception message
  6. Fix for additional storage accounts that are semicolon-delimited and added via the containers-to-mount file; previously they would not mount as expected
  7. Updates to documentation


06 Dec 22:40
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Release Notes

  1. Improvement: previously, "US West" was hard-coded as the Azure billing region used for retrieving VM price data from the RateCard API, since as of writing, there is no programmatic way to retrieve an Azure billing region name given an ARM location name. VM price data is used to select the most cost-effective VM for a task's runtime requirements, and is also stored in the TES database to allow calculation of total workflow cost. This release improves the implementation by selecting the correct Azure billing region, given the Azure Batch ARM location, using a hard-coded lookup table with fallback to "US West" for forward compatibility given unknown future Azure regions.

  2. Improvement: currently, the Azure offer number used for retrieving VM price data is set to "MS-AZR-0003p" (Pay-As-You-Go) by default, since currently there is no programmatic way to retrieve an Azure subscription's Azure offer number. This value can now be manually updated in the docker-compose.yml file by modifying AzureOfferDurableId.


27 Nov 00:26
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Release Notes

  1. Added default network security group for VM's network interface

  2. Updated Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent to version 1.28.1


30 Oct 23:55
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Release Notes

  1. Added support for using Microsoft's public genomics data (msgenpublicdata)

  2. Added a containers-to-mount configuration file. Update this file to allow Cromwell on Azure to access Azure Blob Storage containers where your input files are located. Storage containers listed in this file will be mounted in the Cromwell Docker container, which enables Azure block blobs to be specified as local paths in WDL files. This file accepts either the full URL+SAS of the container, as described above, or the abbreviated /accountName/containerName format (which requires adding the VM's managed identity as a Contributor to the storage account). In both cases, use the abbreviated format /accountName/containerName/blobName in input.json files. The containers-to-mount configuration file also supports wildcards and exclusions. See comments in the file for more details

  3. Added support for custom container images to ease the development process. When deploying Cromwell on Azure, developers may either specify a custom container name (--CromwellImageName, --TesImageName, --TriggerServiceImageName parameters), or supply the image itself (--CustomCromwellImagePath, --CustomTesImagePath, --CustomTriggerServiceImagePath), where the path points to a TAR file obtained by saving a built image with the docker save command. The images don't have to be tagged

  4. Parallelized deployment steps

  5. Added validation for the Azure Batch quota and the user's permissions before deployment

  6. Added support for the /accountName/containerName/blobName syntax in workflow trigger files

  7. Added a silent mode to the deployer; deployer exits with code 1 if the test workflow fails

Please read the documentation for more information


11 Oct 12:46
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1.0.0-beta Pre-release

Initial release