Tutorial and a template repository for a zk-enabled application project based on the zkLLVM toolchain. Use it to learn about developing zk-enabled apps with zkLLVM step-by-step.
For this tutorial, you will need an amd64 machine with Docker or Podman (on Linux) or Docker Desktop (on macOS).
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Getting started
- Part 1. Circuit development workflow
- Part 2. Application developer workflow
You will run each step of this tutorial as a command, conveniently wrapped in the scripts/run.sh
We recommend using it when you go through the tutorial for the first time.
Once you've completed the tutorial, you can repeat it by running all commands manually in the console.
Look at the 🧰 [manual mode]
instructions in collapsed blocks.
They have all the steps with detailed explanations of commands and their parameters,
file formats and other things.
First, clone this repository with all its submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:NilFoundation/zkllvm-template.git
cd zkllvm-template
If you cloned without --recurse-submodules
, initialize submodules explicitly:
git submodule update --init --recursive
In the tutorial, we will use Docker images with parts of the =nil;
We recommend using them because they're tested for compatibility,
and they save you time on installing and compiling everything:
image has the zkLLVM part of the toolchain, including the zkLLVM compiler (clang
, andtranpiler
binaries. -
image has all you need to make an account on the=nil;
Proof Market, put your circuit on it, and order a proof.
Both images are versioned according to the products they contain. In the tutorial, we'll use the latest compatible versions of both images:
docker pull ghcr.io/nilfoundation/zkllvm-template:${ZKLLVM_VERSION}
docker pull ghcr.io/nilfoundation/proof-market-toolchain:${TOOLCHAIN_VERSION}
In the first part of this tutorial, we'll walk through the development workflow of a circuit developer. Most operations will be done on a local machine, without using the Proof Market. We will build a circuit, pack it into a circuit statement, and then use it to build a proof for a particular input. Last thing, we'll post the statement on the Proof Market, so that zk application developers will be able to request proofs with this statement.
Code in ./src
implements the logic of a storage proof on Ethereum by validating Merkle Tree path of the commited data.
It reuses algorithms and data structures from the the
Crypto3 C++ high efficiency cryptography library.
In ./src/main.cpp
, we have a function starting with [[circuit]]
This code definition is what we call the circuit itself.
We will use zkLLVM compiler to make a byte-code representation of this circuit.
Run the script from the root of your project.
scripts/run.sh --docker compile
The compile
command does the following:
- Starts a Docker container based on
. - Makes a clean
directory and initializescmake
. - Compiles the code into a circuit.
🧰 [manual mode]
Start a Docker container with the zkLLVM toolchain:
docker run --detach --rm \
--platform=linux/amd64 \
--volume $(pwd):/opt/zkllvm-template \
--user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
Note that it's a single command, wrapped on several lines.
The line
--volume $(pwd):/opt/zkllvm-template
mounts the project directory from
your host machine into the container, so that the source code is available in it. All the changes will persist on your machine, so you can stop this container at any time, start a new one, and continue.
The line
--user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER})
runs container with a user having the same user and group ID as your own user on the host machine. With this option, newly created files in the./build
directory will belong to your user, and not to theroot
Let's check that we have the zkLLVM compiler available in the container.
Note that it replaces the original clang
, being a fully compatible drop-in replacement:
$ clang --version
clang version 16.0.0 (https://github.com/NilFoundation/zkllvm-circifier.git bf352a2e14522504a0c832f2b66f73268c95e621)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
InstalledDir: /usr/bin
In the container, create a ./build
directory and compile the code:
cd /opt/zkllvm-template
rm -rf build && mkdir build && cd build
make template
The extra parameter
is required to produce circuits in.ll
format, which is supported by proving tools. zkLLVM can also produce circuits in another LLVM's IR format,.bc
, but we won't need it in this tutorial.
As a result of this step, we get a byte-code file ./build/src/template.ll
This is what we call a circuit itself.
It's a binary file in the LLVM's intermediate representation format.
The Proof Market works with circuits in the form of circuit statements. A statement is basically a JSON containing the circuit and various metadata that identifies it.
The build_statement
command will build a circuit statement from the circuit
that we compiled earlier:
scripts/run.sh --docker build_statement
The build_statement
command does the following:
- Runs a new container based on
. - In the container, runs
to produce a circuit statement.
🧰 [manual mode]
To build a statement, we will use the prepare_statement.py
which is a part of the Proof Market toolchain.
First, start a new container with the Proof Market toolchain.
Remember to exit the zkllvm
container with exit
command or start a new console session:
docker run -it --rm \
--platform=linux/amd64 \
--volume $(pwd):/opt/zkllvm-template \
--volume $(pwd)/.config:/.config/ \
--volume $(pwd)/.config:/root/.config/ \
--volume $(pwd)/.config/.user:/proof-market-toolchain/scripts/.user \
--volume $(pwd)/.config/.secret:/proof-market-toolchain/scripts/.secret \
--volume $(pwd)/../proof-market-toolchain:/proof-market-toolchain/ \
--user $(id -u ${USER}):$(id -g ${USER}) \
directory is where you will put the credentials to the Proof Market later on. Two extra volume mounts make this directory available in places where parts of the Proof Market toolchain might look for it.
Now pack the circuit into a statement:
cd /opt/zkllvm-template/
python3 \
/proof-market-toolchain/scripts/prepare_statement.py \
--circuit /opt/zkllvm-template/build/src/template.ll \
--name template \
--type placeholder-zkllvm \
--private \
--output /opt/zkllvm-template/build/template.json
# -c, --circuit: path to the circuit file
# -n, --name: statement name
# -o, --output: path to write the statement file
# --private: make the statement private, as it's not intended for production usage
# -t, --type: type of proofs that will be generated with this statement
# (Placeholder is the name of our proof system, see
# https://crypto3.nil.foundation/papers/placeholder.pdf)
As a result, we have the circuit statement file ./build/template.json
Later we will use it to generate a proof locally.
We will also push this circuit statement to the Proof Market.
Now we have everything ready to produce our first proof.
As a circuit developer, we want to first build it locally, to check that our circuit is working.
We'll use the proof-generator
CLI, which is a part of the Proof Market toolchain.
scripts/run.sh --docker prove
🧰 [manual mode]
Continue in the proof-market-toolchain
container that you made in step 2.
Run the proof-generator
binary to generate a proof:
proof-generator \
--circuit_input=/opt/zkllvm-template/build/template.json \
--public_input=/opt/zkllvm-template/src/main-input.json \
# --circuit_input: path to the circuit statement
# --public_input: path to the file that contains particular input, that we want to make a proof for
# --proof_out: path and name of the proof file
Note the following lines in the build log:
generatring zkllvm proof...
Proof is verified
In the first line, proof-generator
creates a proof, and in the second — verifies it.
The resulting proof is in the file ./build/template.proof
Congratulations! You've produced a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof, or, formally speaking, a zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge (zk-SNARK).
Now it's time to work with the =nil;
Proof Market.
To publish statements and order proofs from the Proof Market, you need an account. We'll use the command line tools to create a new one.
First, run a Docker container with the Proof Market toolchain:
cd /opt/zkllvm-template
scripts/run.sh run_proof_market_toolchain
Great, now you're in the container's console. Time to make an account:
cd /proof-market-toolchain
python3 scripts/signup.py user \
-u <username> \
-p <password> \
-e <email>
It should return something like this:
This command will save your username and password in two files in the container:
These files in the container are mounted to .config/.user
and .config/.secret
on your machine.
This way, when you stop the container, the files will persist until you run it again.
Remember the statement that we've packed in step 2? Let's publish it on the Proof Market.
python3 scripts/statement_tools.py push \
--file /opt/zkllvm-template/build/template.json
This command will return the following output with your statement's ID (key):
Statement from /opt/zkllvm-template/build/template.json was pushed with key 12345678.
Let's see how the statement is published:
python3 scripts/statement_tools.py get \
--key 12345678
You should see all the details of your statement in response.
Congratulations! You've built a zkLLVM circuit and published it on the Proof Market. Now it's time to have a look at how developers of zero-knowledge applications use the Proof Market.
In this part, we will act as a developer of a zk application. Our task is to order a proof on the Proof Market:
- Find a circuit statement. We will be using one that has active proof producers, who will respond to our request.
- Post a request for a proof with given statement and particular input.
- Check that a request was matched and the proof is ready.
- Download the proof.
All commands in this section run in the container nilfoundation/proof-market-toolchain
cd /opt/zkllvm-template
scripts/run.sh run_proof_market_toolchain
First, let's see what statements are available on the Proof Market.
python3 scripts/statement_tools.py get
If you're on a live workshop by =nil;
, use the statement with id 96079532
It's built from the circuit code in this template, and accepts input from
python3 scripts/request_tools.py push \
--key 96079532 \
--cost 10 \
--file /opt/zkllvm-template/src/main-input.json
The output will look like the following, but with different key values.
Limit request: {
"_key": "99887766",
"statement_key": "96079532",
"cost": 10,
"sender": "zkdev",
"status": "created"
You can check the request status at any time:
python3 scripts/request_tools.py get --key 99887766
You should see almost the same output as before.
Note the status
field: it reflects whether the Proof Market has assigned
your request to a particular producer, and whether they have provided the proof.
Limit request: {
"_key": "99887766",
"statement_key": "96079532",
"cost": 10,
"sender": "zkdev",
"status": "created"
When the proof is ready, download it:
python3 scripts/proof_tools.py get \
--request_key 99887766 \
--file /tmp/example.proof
ls -l /tmp/example.proof
Now the proof can be verified, both off-chain and on-chain. These steps will be added soon.