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Releases: near/near-sdk-rs


12 May 15:21
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4.0.0-pre.9 Pre-release


  • near-contract-standards: nft_tokens in enumeration standard no longer panics when there are no tokens PR 798
  • Optimized nth operation for UnorderedMap iterator and implemented IntoIterator for it. PR 801
    • This optimizes the skip operation, which is common with pagination


19 Apr 15:55
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4.0.0-pre.8 Pre-release


  • Added Debug and PartialEq implementations for PromiseError. PR 728.
  • Added convenience function env::block_timestamp_ms to return ms since 1970. PR 736
  • Added an optional way to handle contract errors with Result. PR 745, PR 754 and PR 757.
  • Added support for using #[callback_result] with a function that doesn't have a return. PR 738
  • Support for multi-architecture docker builds and updated Rust version to 1.56 with latest contract builder. PR 751


  • Disallow invalid Promise::then chains. Will now panic with promise_1.then(promise_2.then(promise_3)) syntax. PR 410
    • Current implementation will schedule these promises in the incorrect order. With this format, it's unclear where the result from promise_1 will be used, so it will panic at runtime.
  • Fixed signer_account_pk from mocked implementation. PR 785


  • Deprecate callback, callback_vec, result_serializer, init proc macro attributes and remove exports from near-sdk. PR 770
    • They are not needed to be imported and are handled specifically within #[near_bindgen]
  • Fixed gas assertion in *_transfer_call implementations of FT and NFT standards to only require what's needed. PR 760
  • Fixed events being emitted in FT standard to include refund transfers and burn events. PR 752
  • Moved VMContext to a local type defined in SDK to avoid duplicate types. PR 785
  • Moved Metadata and MethodMetadata to a pseudo-private module as these are just types used within macros and not stable. PR 771


  • Remove Clone implementation for Promise (error prone) #783


24 Mar 15:40
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4.0.0-pre.7 Pre-release


  • Added FT and NFT event logs to near-contract-standards. PR 627 and PR 723


21 Jan 21:41
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4.0.0-pre.6 Pre-release

This release comes primarily to make the final near_sdk::store collections available under the unstable feature flag. Notable changes:


  • Added env::random_seed_array to return a fixed length array of the random_seed and optimizes the existing function. PR 692
  • Implemented new iteration of UnorderedSet and TreeMap under near_sdk::store which is available with the unstable feature flag. PR 672 and PR 665


  • Improved macro spans for better errors with #[near_bindgen] macro. PR 683


24 Dec 00:28
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4.0.0-pre.5 Pre-release

This release comes with changes to clean up the API to get ready for a stable release as well as adding new features such as more near_sdk::store updated collection types! Notable changes include:

  • fix(standards): Fix NFT impl macros to not import HashMap and near_sdk::json_types::U128. PR 571.
  • Add drain iterator for near_sdk::store::UnorderedMap. PR 613.
    • Will remove all values and iterate over owned values that were removed
  • Fix codegen for methods inside a #[near_bindgen] to allow using mut self which will generate the same code as self and will not persist state. PR 616.
  • Make function call terminology consistent by switching from method name usages. PR 633.
    • This is only a breaking change if inspecting the VmActions of receipts in mocked environments. All other changes are positional argument names.
  • Implement new iterator for collections::Vec to optimize for nth and count. PR 634
    • This is useful specifically for things like pagination, where .skip(x) will not load the first x elements anymore
    • Does not affect any store collections, which are already optimized, this just optimizes the legacy collections that use Vec
  • Add consts for near, yocto, and tgas. PR 640.
    • near_sdk::ONE_NEAR, near_sdk::ONE_YOCTO, near_sdk::Gas::ONE_TERA
  • Update SDK dependencies for nearcore crates used for mocking (0.10) and borsh (0.9)
  • Implemented Debug for all collection and store types. PR 647
  • Added new internal mint function to allow specifying or ignoring refund. PR 618
  • store: Implement caching LookupSet type. This is the new iteration of the previous version of near_sdk::collections::LookupSet that has an updated API, and is located at near_sdk::store::LookupSet. PR 654, PR 664.
  • Deprecate testing_env_with_promise_results, setup_with_config, and setup due to these functions being unneeded anymore or have unintended side effects PR 671
    • Added missing pattern for only including context and vm config to testing_env! to remove friction
  • Added _array suffix versions of sha256, keccak256, and keccak512 hash functions in env PR 646
    • These return a fixed length array instead of heap allocating with Vec<u8>
  • Added ripemd160_array hash function that returns a fixed length byte array PR 648
  • Added ecrecover under unstable feature for recovering signer address by message hash and a corresponding signature. PR 658.
  • standards: Add require statement to ensure minimum needed gas in FT and NFT transfers at start of method. PR 678


12 Oct 23:40
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4.0.0-pre.3 Pre-release

This release comes with a few very minor API changes but also some new features. For up-to-date changes, see CHANGELOG.

4.0.0-pre.3 [10-12-2021]

  • Introduce #[callback_result] annotation, which acts like #[callback] except that it returns Result<T, PromiseError> to allow error handling. PR 554
    • Adds #[callback_unwrap] to replace callback
  • mock: Update method_names field of AddKeyWithFunctionCall to a Vec<String> from Vec<Vec<u8>>. PR 555
    • Method names were changed to be strings in 4.0.0-pre.2 but this one was missed
  • env: Update the register used for temporary env methods to u64::MAX - 2 from 0. PR 557.
    • When mixing using sys and env, reduces chance of collision for using 0
  • store: Implement caching LookupMap type. This is the new iteration of the previous version of near_sdk::collections::LookupMap that has an updated API, and is located at near_sdk::store::LookupMap. PR 487.
    • The internal storage format has changed from collections::LookupMap so the type cannot be swapped out without some migration.
  • store: Implement caching UnorderedMap type. PR 584.
    • Similar change to LookupMap update, and is an iterable version of that data structure.
    • Data structure has also changed internal storage format and cannot be swapped with collections::UnorderedMap without manual migration.


19 Aug 18:42
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4.0.0-pre.2 Pre-release

This release comes with various API fixes. For up to date changes, see CHANGELOG.

Changes in this release:

  • Update panic and panic_utf8 syscall signatures to indicate they do not return. PR 489
  • Deprecate env::panic in favor of env::panic_str. PR 492
    • This method now takes a &str as the bytes are enforced to be utf8 in the runtime.
    • Change is symmetric to env::log_str change in 4.0.0-pre.1
  • Removes PublicKey generic on env promise batch calls. Functions now just take a reference to the PublicKey. PR 495
  • fix: Public keys can no longer be borsh deserialized from invalid bytes. PR 502
    • Adds Hash derive to PublicKey
  • Changes method name parameters from bytes (Vec<u8> and &[u8]) to string equivalents for batch function call promises PR 515
    • promise_batch_action_function_call, Promise::function_call, promise_batch_action_add_key_with_function_call, Promise::add_access_key, and Promise::add_access_key_with_nonce are afffected.
    • Updates promise_then, promise_create, and Receipt::FunctionCall's method name to string equivalents from bytes PR 521.
    • Instead of b"method_name" just use "method_name", the bytes are enforced to be utf8 in the runtime.
  • Fixes #[ext_contract] codegen function signatures to take an AccountId instead of a generic ToString and converting unchecked to AccountId. PR 518
  • Fixes NFT contract standard mint function to not be in the NonFungibleTokenCore trait. PR 525
    • If using the mint function from the code generated function on the contract, switch to call it on the NonFungibleToken field of the contract ( =>
  • Fixes nft_is_approved method on contract standard to take &self instead of moving self.
  • Fixes receiver_id in mock::Receipt to AccountId from string. This is a change to the type added in 4.0.0-pre.1. PR 529
  • Moves runtime syscalls to near-sys crate and includes new functions available PR 507


23 Jul 17:05
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4.0.0-pre.1 Pre-release
  • Implements new LazyOption type under unstable feature. Similar to Lazy but is optional to set a value. PR 444.
  • Move type aliases and core types to near-sdk to avoid coupling. PR 415.
  • Implements new Lazy type under the new unstable feature which is a lazily loaded storage value. PR 409.
  • fix(promise): PromiseOrValue now correctly sets should_return flag correctly on serialization. PR 407.
  • fix(tree_map): Correctly panic when range indices are exluded and start > end. PR 392.
  • Implement FromStr for json types to allow calling .parse() to convert them.
  • expose cur_block and genesis_config from RuntimeStandalone to configure simulation tests. PR 390.
  • fix(simulator): failing with long chains. PR 385.
  • Make block time configurable to sim contract tests. PR 378.
  • Deprecate env::log in favour of env::log_str. The logs assume that the bytes are utf8, so this will be a cleaner interface to use. PR 366.
  • Update syscall interface to no longer go through BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE. Instead uses near_sdk::sys which is under the unstable feature flag if needed. PR 417.
  • Set up global allocator by default for WASM architectures. PR 429.
    • This removes the re-export of wee_alloc because if this feature is enabled, the allocator will already be set.
    • Deprecates setup_alloc! macro as this will be set up by default, as long as the wee_alloc feature is not specifically disabled. In this case, the allocator can be overridden to a custom one or set manually if intended.
  • Update TreeMap iterator implementation to avoid unnecessary storage reads. PR 428.
  • Update AccountId to be a newtype with merged functionality from ValidAccountId
    • Removes ValidAccountId to avoid having multiple types for account IDs
    • This type will have ValidAccountId's JSON (de)serialization and the borsh serialization will be equivalent to what it was previously
  • Initializes default for BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE to avoid requiring to initialize testing environment for tests that don't require custom blockchain interface configuration
    • This default only affects outside of wasm32 environments and is optional/backwards compatible
  • Deprecates env::block_index and replaces it with env::block_height for more consistent naming
  • Updates internal NFT traits to not move the underlying type for methods
    • This should not be a breaking change if using the impl macros, only if implementing manually
  • Makes BLOCKCHAIN_INTERFACE a concrete type and no longer exports it.
    • If for testing you need this mocked blockchain, near_sdk::mock::with_mocked_blockchain can be used
    • near_sdk::env::take_blockchain_interface is removed, as this interface is no longer optional
    • removes BlockchainInterface trait, as this interface is only used in mocked contexts now
  • Updates Gas type to be a newtype, which makes the API harder to misuse.
    • This also changes the JSON serialization of this type to a string, to avoid precision loss when deserializing in JavaScript
  • PublicKey now utilizes Base58PublicKey instead of Vec<u8> directly PR 453. Usage of Base58PublicKey is deprecated
  • Expose Receipt and respective VmActions in mocked contexts through replacing with a local interface and types.


07 Apr 01:43
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  • Updated dependencies for near-sdk
  • Introduce trait IntoStorageKey and updating all persistent collections to take it instead of Vec<u8>.
    It's a non-breaking change.
  • Introduce a macro derive BorshStorageKey that implements IntoStorageKey using borsh serialization. Example:
use near_sdk::BorshStorageKey;

#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshStorageKey)]
enum StorageKey {

#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, PanicOnDefault)]
pub struct StatusMessage {
    pub records: LookupMap<String, String>,
    pub unique_values: LookupSet<String>,

impl StatusMessage {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            records: LookupMap::new(StorageKey::Records),
            unique_values: LookupSet::new(StorageKey::UniqueValues),


25 Mar 18:33
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  • Introduced #[private] method decorator, that verifies predecessor_account_id() == current_account_id().
    NOTE: Usually, when a contract has to have a callback for a remote cross-contract call, this callback method should
    only be called by the contract itself. It's to avoid someone else calling it and messing the state. Pretty common pattern
    is to have an assert that validates that the direct caller (predecessor account ID) matches to the contract's account (current account ID).
  • Added how to build contracts with reproducible builds.
  • Added log! macro to log a string from a contract similar to println! macro.
  • Added test_utils mod from near_sdk that contains a bunch of helper methods and structures, e.g.
    • test_env - simple test environment mod used internally.
    • Expanded testing_env to be able to pass promise results
    • Added VMContextBuilder to help construct a VMContext for tests
    • Added get_logs method that returns current logs from the contract execution.
    • TEST_BREAKING env::created_receipts moved to test_utils::get_created_receipts.
      env shouldn't contain testing methods.
    • Updated a few examples to use log! macro
  • Added #[derive(PanicOnDefault)] that automatically implements Default trait that panics when called.
    This is helpful to prevent contracts from being initialized using Default by removing boilerplate code.
  • Introduce setup_alloc macro that generates the same boilerplate as before, but also adds a #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")], which prevents the allocator from being used when the contract's main file is used in simulation testing.
  • Introduce Base58CryptoHash and CryptoHash to represent 32 bytes slice of u8.
  • Introduce LazyOption to keep a single large value with lazy deserialization.
  • BREAKING #[init] now checks that the state is not initialized. This is expected behavior. To ignore state check you can call #[init(ignore_state)]
  • NOTE: 3.0.0 is not published, due to tag conflicts on the near-sdk-rs repo.