Hardware interface to an existing Pinball machine - so we mirror whats happening on the real machine in the Emulator.
- RO Active Column select - used to switch to the next input switch column: 8
- RO Switch input matrix 8 inputs (8x8 Matrix): 8
- RW Coin Door input: 3 (coins & service menu)
- RW Fliptronics input: 8
- RO Zerocross counter: 1
- RW Reset Sense? did Pinball Machine just reset: 1
Unknown / nice to have:
- RO VCC Sense: is the Pinball Machine running: 1 (if no zerocross counts happens, machine is off)
- Add more "Coin Door" money input: 3 (else it is controlled by software only)
- Add "Coin Door" volume input: 2 (else service menu settings are not reflected)
Total needed: 29
- can the hardware write to the pinball machine (switch input? reset?)
- how should the physical interface looks like? Opto-isolator?
- connect the switches to the pinball electronics should be easy, using Y connector?
- active column select is only available for pre security pic devices, intercept it when reading row select? how can we read out the settings?
Important criteria:
- 30 GPIO Pins
- Arduino IDE support (easy to use)
- BLE support
Points: 2 - need add BLE module
A Teensy 3.5 - mainly because of the number of IO pins.
- https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy35.html
- Teensy 3.5 is 5V tolerant, while the Teensy 3.6 is 3.3V only
- 58 digital IO pins
- 27 analog IO pins
- No on board BLT/Wifi
- 30$
Points: 3
- https://www.espressif.com/en/products/hardware/esp32-devkitc/overview
- Implements Pulse Counter (used for zerocross)
- 32 GPIO Pins
- 15$
Points: 2 - not enough GPIO pins
- SparkFun ESP32 Thing - https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13907
- 22$
- 28 GPIO Pins
Firmware sends data to the emulator (serial):
- zerocross counter (32bit)
- input switch matrix state (64bit)
- coin door state (8bit)
- fliptronic state (8bit)
- power state (1bit)
Total: 15 bytes
As soon as a reset signal is detected, reset uptime counter TODO: how is a reset signal defined? Hi? Lo? Duration?
As soon as we want to use the hardware, the simulator and the pinball machine need to sync. The simplest solution is to reset the pinball machine.
A Zerocross is triggered 60 times per second. -> 3600 per minute, 216'000 per hour -> we can track 9942 hours of uptime aka more than 414 days.
Track state of the coin door in one byte
Track state of the fliptronics state in one byte
Keep the state of the 8 by 8 matrix in memory. Use the Active Row counter to select next row
Interval task that sends its state 15/30/60 times per second to the simulator. A second version might send the data only if there were state changes
Send a reset signal to the pinball machine
As the emu lives in the browser, options:
- Web Bluetooth API
- Serial Server that use Websocket to send data to the browser
- Payload (currently 15 bytes) fits with the < 20 bytes GATT payload limit
- needs HTTPS connection
- can a BT device stream data to browser (BLE) - startNotifications?
- Is there a UART to BT device available?