A plugin to run your Gulp tasks from within Sublime plus some handy snippets too.
- Install Via Package Control
- Open your repo containing either a
file or directory - If you don't already have a
gulp task make one - Menu to Tools>Gulp>Run Default Task
- Enjoy!
If you have PackageControl installed, you can use it to install the package.
Just type cmd-shift-p
to bring up the command pallete and pick Package Control: Install Package
from the dropdown, search and select the package there and you're all set.
You can clone the repo in your /Packages
(Preferences -> Browse Packages...) folder and start using/hacking it.
cd ~/path/to/Packages
git clone git://github.com/nicosantangelo/sublime-gulp.git Gulp
For older gulp versions, the plugin makes use of node which should already be installed if you are using Gulp. It creates a cache using node, so in some systems you might need to add your node_modules path to the NODE_PATH, for example (for Unix):
export NODE_PATH=/usr/local/lib/node_modules
Sublime Gulp might not work without var gulp = require('gulp');
defined in each task file. More info (thanks @smeijer for the help)
If you are having trouble running the plugin in Mac OSX it's possible that your path isn't being reported by your shell. In which case give the plugin SublimeFixMacPath a try. It may resolve our issue.
If you still can't get it to run properly, first make sure your Gulp tasks run from a terminal (i.e. outside of sublime) and if so then submit an issue.
If you want to use a gulpfile.coffee
you need to do two things:
- Add
module.exports = gulp
to yourgulpfile.coffee
so node can use it - Create a gulpfile.js if it doesn't exist and add this to it:
var gulp = require('./gulpfile.coffee');
The Sublime Gulp plugin was made for those using the Gulp Streaming Build - Task Runner System within Node.js for their workflow.
Sublime Gulp now supports not only a basic gulpfile.js file in the root of your project but also recognizes your tasks within a directory set by the RequireDir module or within a gulpfile.js directory. So no matter how your gulp tasks are organized Sublime Gulp will find them.
Sublime Gulp supports the following commands accessible from Tools -> Command Palette
by typing in "Gulp". They are also accesible from menus as indicated below the table. Default.sublime-commands
also lists them.
Command | From Command Palette | From Menu |
gulp | Gulp or Gulp (silent) | List Tasks to Run |
gulp_arbitrary | Gulp: Run arbitrary task | Run Arbitrary Task |
gulp_last | Gulp: Run last task | Run Last Task |
gulp_kill | Gulp: Kill All Gulp Tasks | Kill running tasks |
gulp_kill_task | Gulp: Kill specific running task | Kill a currently running task |
gulp_delete_cache | Gulp: Delete Cache | Delete Cache |
gulp_plugins | Gulp: List plugins | List Gulp Plugins |
gulp_show_panel | Gulp: Show panel | Show Gulp Panel |
gulp_hide_panel | Gulp: Hide panel | Hide Gulp Panel |
gulp_exit | Gulp: Exit editor killing running tasks | Quit Killing All Gulp Tasks |
- The first five commands are available via
Tools -> Gulp
in the main menu and inGulp
in the sidebar context menu. - The the 6th and 7th are available via
View -> Gulp
in the main menu. - The last command is available via
at the bottom in the main menu.
To run a task, first choose Gulp
from the command pallete or List Tasks to Run
from the menu, the package will search for your tasks in the open folder/project and create a cache (.sublime-gulp.cache
) in the root. The first run will be slow as the cache builds but then the cache will speed up future access. You can use the gulp_delete_cache
command to rebuild the cache if you are not seeing your newly added Gulp Tasks or some have gone missing.
The plugin will then display all the Gulp tasks in a list. Selecting one will run that task. To show the task's standard output the plugin uses a panel or a new tab (depends on your settings). After a first task has been run you can use the hide and show panel commands as desired. (see table above)
If you want to run the normal Gulp
command without standard output to the panel use instead Gulp (silent)
If you want to run an arbitrary task you need to choose Gulp: Run arbitrary task
from the command pallete or Run arbitrary task
from the menu. The package will then prompt an input panel where you can write what you want to add as a sufix to gulp
The command will re-run the last task ran by any of the package commands (if there's one).
Out of the box Sublime Gulp has a menu item Run Default Task
under Tools -> Gulp
that will run your default
Gulp task. Most Gulp users have a default task defined (like running their development tasks).
If you want to run other of your tasks from a menu item or keyboard shortcut you can customize both.
For example to add a menu item in the tools menu for a sass
task do this. In your sublime user directory add following json in the Main.sublime-menu
file (create one if you don't have one).
"id": "tools",
"children": [
{ "caption": "Run Sass Task", "command": "gulp", "args": { "task_name": "sass" } }
Note: You can run any command silently by adding "silent": true
to the args
or you also can use a keyboard shortcut to do the same. Edit Preferences -> Key Bindings - User
to access the user key bindings file to which add this line:
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp", "args": { "task_name": "sass" } }
For more detailed information on shortcut keys and binding specific tasks below.
To kill running tasks like watch
you have two options, you can pick the command Gulp: Kill running tasks
to kill all currently running tasks or Gulp: Kill specific running task
to choose from the command pallete which task to kill.
If you want to supress the command output, you can map it to a keyboard shortcut and pass true
to the silent
argument like this:
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_kill", "args": { "silent": true } }
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_kill_task", "args": { "silent": true } }
For more detailed information on shortcut keys and binding specific tasks below.
If you're running Windows, the package will use taskkill so every child process is correctly terminated. If the executable isn't on your system, you'll need to add it for this command to work correctly.
Gulp: Show Panel
shows the closed output panel (just the panel, it won't re-open the tab if you're using the results_in_new_tab
setting). Alternatively typing <esc>
will also close/hide an open panel.
Running Gulp: List plugins
from the command palette will display all gulp plugins available on a searcheable list. Picking one will open its github repo on your default browser.
Running Gulp: Delete cache
will delete the .sublime-gulp.cache
file for you, forcing a re-parse of the gulpfile.js
This command will close Sublime Text, but first it'll kill any running tasks. It's the same as running Gulp: Kill running tasks
and immediately exiting the editor. If error occurs killing the tasks or no running tasks are found, the editor will close anyways.
You can select Gulp: Exit editor killing running tasks
from the command palette or create a keybinding like this:
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_exit" }
You can bind it to alt+f4
or super+q
so you don't have to remember it. Sadly it won't run if you close the editor using the close button (x).
var gulp = require('gulp-name');
gulps - Docs
gulpt - Docs
gulp.task('name',['tasks'], function() {
// content
gulpd - Docs
gulpw - Docs
gulp.watch('file', ['tasks']);
gulpwcb - Docs
gulp.watch('file', function(event) {
console.log(' File '+event.path+' was '+event.type+', running tasks...');
The file Gulp.sublime-settings
is used for configuration, you can change your user settings in Preferences -> Package Settings -> Gulp -> Settings - User
The defaults are:
"exec_args": {},
"recursive_gulpfile_search": false,
"ignored_gulpfile_folders": [".git", "node_modules", "vendor", "tmp", "dist"],
"gulpfile_paths": [],
"results_in_new_tab": false,
"results_autoclose_timeout_in_milliseconds": 0,
"show_silent_errors": true,
"log_errors": true,
"syntax": "Packages/Gulp/syntax/GulpResults.tmLanguage",
"nonblocking": true,
"track_processes": true,
"flags": {},
"check_for_gulpfile": false,
"tasks_on_save": {},
"silent_tasks_on_save": {},
"kill_before_save_tasks": false,
"status_bar_tasks": false,
"status_bar_format": "Gulp: {task_name}"
You may override your PATH
environment variable as follows (from sublime-grunt):
"exec_args": {
"path": "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
If gulp is installed locally in the project, you have to specify the path to the gulp executable. Threfore, adjust the path to /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:node_modules/.bin
If set to true
, the package will search for a gulpfile.js
file recursively through each top level folder ignoring the folders defined in ignored_gulpfile_folders
If false
, only top level folders and the ones found on gulpfile_paths
are used.
Ignored folder names for the recursive search of gulpfile.js files, used to drastically improve performance.
Example: [".git", "node_modules", "vendor", "tmp", "dist"]
This setting is active only if recursive_gulpfile_search
is false
Each item in the array constitutes an additional paths to search the gulpfile in, by default only the root of each project folder is used.
Example: ["src", "nested/folder"]
If set to true
, a new tab will be used instead of a panel to output the results.
Defines the delay used to autoclose the panel or tab that holds the gulp results.
If false (or 0) it will remain open, so if what you want is to keep it closed check the silent
If true it will open the output panel when running Gulp (silent)
only if the task failed
Toggles the creation of sublime-gulp.log
if any error occurs.
Syntax file for highlighting the gulp results. You can pick it from from the command panel as Set Syntax: Gulp results
Set the setting to false
if you don't want any colors (you may need to restart Sublime if you're removing the syntax).
When enabled, the package will read the streams from the task process using two threads, one for stdout
and another for stderr
. This allows all the output to be piped to Sublime live without having to wait for the task to finish.
If set to false
, it will read first from stdout
and then from stderr
Persist the long running task pids to a local file to keep track even if the editor is closed.
If set to false
package will keep track of tasks in memory, meaning that if you run a long running task like gulp watch
and restart Sublime Text, the process wont't necessarily die and you won't be able to kill it from the editor anymore.
If set to true
the package will keep track of long running tasks using an internal .sublime-gulp.cache
. So even if you close your editor and re-open it, you should still be able to list and kill running tasks.
Depending on the OS you're on, the process might die anyways without the package interverting. Sublime Gulp tries to remedy this by checking if the process is still alive before listing it, which works most of the time but it's not a reliable check. Worst case scenario, you'll see a dead task, killing it won't do anything. Worst and really not likely case scenario, you'll kill another process if the pid was reused by the OS 🙌.
This seting lets you define custom flags for your gulp commands. The key is the name of the task and the value is the string containing the flags.
For example if you have to run build
with the --watch
flag, like this gulp build --watch
you'll do:
"flags": {
"build": "--watch"
If you want to add a flag to a task just for a project, you can try binding a specific task.
If false
the package will run even if no gulpfile.js
is found on the root folders currently open.
So for example, if you have 5 root folders on your Sublime sidebar and only 3 of them have a gulpfile
, when you run Sublime Gulp
with check_for_gulpfile: true
it'll only show the 3 that have a gulpfile.js
, but if you set check_for_gulpfile
to false, it'll list all 5 folders.
You might want to set it to false if you're using the --gulpfile
flag, or if you want to leave the error reporting to gulp.
Allows you to run task(s) when you save a file. The key is the name of the task and the value is the string or array of glob pattern.
The base folder for glob pattern is the first folder in you project. So, if you have multiple folder, the glob pattern will only match on the first folder.
"tasks_on_save": {
// Run browserify task when you save javasript file
"browserify": "*.js",
// Run sass task when you save sass file under "sass" folder
"sass": "sass/*.scss",
// Array of glob pattern
"other": ["*.ext1", "*.ext2"]
Works the same way as tasks_on_save but it runs the tasks on silent
mode (using Gulp (silent)
If any task is defined on tasks_on_save or silent_tasks_on_save setting this option to true
will run gulp_kill before running any of them.
Can be either true
, which will show all the running tasks on the status bar, a task name like "watch"
or an array of task names to show like ["watch", "build"]
Which format to use for status_bar_tasks. You can use {task_name}
to show the running task names.
If you want to have a per project settings, you first need to create a project going to Project -> Save Project As
and then edit your project file (you can use Project -> Edit Project
In there you can override Gulp settings like so:
"settings": {
"results_in_new_tab": true
// Or, Sublime Text 3 only:
"Gulp": {
"check_for_gulpfile": false
The package will search first on "settings": {}
, then on "Gulp": {}
(ST3 only) and lastly on the Gulp.sublime-settings
Keep in mind that the only caveat is that if you want to override the syntax
key, you'll need to use syntax_override
as key.
For a visual example go to this comment on issue 53
This package doesn't bind any command to a keyboard shortcut, but you can add it like this:
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_arbitrary" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_last" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_kill" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_kill_task" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_show_panel" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_hide_panel" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_plugins" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_delete_cache" },
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp_exit" }
You can use a shortcut for running a specific task like this:
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp", "args": { "task_name": "watch" } }
and if you want to run it in silent
mode, you can add "silent"
to the args
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp", "args": { "task_name": "watch", "silent": true } }
Lastly, you can add a flag to the command using task_flag
. This option will override the any flag defined on the settings file.
{ "keys": ["KEYS"], "command": "gulp", "args": { "task_name": "build", "task_flag": "--watch" } }
Note: You can run commands like gulp -v
if you set task_name
to ""
(empty string) with a flag.
This package is a merge between Gulp Snippets from @filipelinhares and Gulp from nicosantangelo (this last one, inspired by the awesome sublime-grunt).
Thanks to @dkebler for re-writing the README.