This project is a unified collection of AEM/CQ code generated by the AEM consulting practice.
This project uses Maven for building. Common commands:
From the root directory, run mvn -PautoInstallPackage clean install
(for AEM 6.5) or mvn -PautoInstallPackage,cloud clean install
(for AEMaaCS) to build the bundles and content packages and install the container package to an AEM instance.
From the bundle directory, run mvn -PautoInstallBundle clean install
to build just the bundle and install to an AEM instance. In addition there is the profile autoInstallUiAppsPackage
to just install the ui.apps
package to AEM.
The Maven profile cloud
is used to both build both the AEMaaCS and the AEM 6.5 packages/bundles as well as to optionally install the version targeted for AEMaaCS (with the additional profile autoInstallPackage
or autoInstallUiPackage
). It is automatically active when no other profile is activated via command line or settings,.xml
To build only the version for AEM 6.5 (without using any other profiles) use the command line option -P \!cloud
to deactivate the default profile cloud
To use vlt with this project, first build and install the package to your local AEM instance as described above. Then cd to content/src/main/content/jcr_root
and run
vlt --credentials admin:admin checkout -f ../META-INF/vault/filter.xml --force http://localhost:4502/crx
Once the working copy is created, you can use the normal vlt up
and vlt ci
The AEM host and port can be specified on the command line with: mvn -Dcrx.port=5502
- Maven artifact available from Maven central:
- Github releases:
- Spaces, not tabs.
- Provide documentation in the parent org GH project:
- Target AEM as a Cloud Service. AEM 6.5.x only features can still be contributed, but please create a Feature Review Github Issue before working on them to ensure they will accepted. Check the compatibility table for compatibility of older versions.
- API classes and interfaces must have JavaDocs. Not necessary for implementation classes.
- Don't use author tags. This is a community project.
- Create an issue.