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77 lines (74 loc) · 3.09 KB

My Project Template

How to use the template:

  1. Create a template by clicking on the "Use this template" button. Make sure to select all branches This will create a new repository with the given name e.g. urban-potato
  2. Clone the repository locally
    git clone [email protected]:pbashyal-nmdp/urban-potato.git
    cd urban-potato
  3. Make a virtual environment and activate it, run make venv
     > make venv
       python3 -m venv venv --prompt urban-potato-venv
     To activate the new virtual environment, execute the following from your shell
     source venv/bin/activate
  4. Source the virtual environment
    source venv/bin/activate
  5. Development workflow is driven through Makefile. Use make to list show all targets.
     > make
     clean                remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts
     clean-build          remove build artifacts
     clean-pyc            remove Python file artifacts
     clean-test           remove test and coverage artifacts
     lint                 check style with flake8
     behave               run the behave tests, generate and serve report
     pytest               run tests quickly with the default Python
     test                 run all(BDD and unit) tests
     coverage             check code coverage quickly with the default Python
     dist                 builds source and wheel package
     docker-build         build a docker image for the service
     docker               build a docker image for the service
     install              install the package to the active Python's site-packages
     venv                 creates a Python3 virtualenv environment in venv
     activate             activate a virtual environment. Run `make venv` before activating.
  6. Install all the development dependencies. Will install packages from all requirements-*.txt files.
     make install
  7. The Gherkin Feature files, step files and pytest files go in tests directory:
    |-- features
    |   |-- algorithm
    |   |   `-- SLUG\ Match.feature
    |   `-- definition
    |       `-- Class\ I\ HLA\ Alleles.feature
    |-- steps
    |   |--
    |   `--
    `-- unit
  8. Package Module files go in the my_project_template directory.
    |-- algorithm
    |   `--
    |-- model
    |   |--
    |   `--
  9. Run all tests with make test or different tests with make behave or make pytest. make behave will generate report files and open the browser to the report.
  10. Use python to run the Flask service app in debug mode. Service will be available at http://localhost:8080/
  11. Use make docker-build to build a docker image using the current Dockerfile.
  12. make docker will build and run the docker image with the service. Service will be available at http://localhost:8080/