Releases: nulib/meadow
Releases · nulib/meadow
Updates include:
- Fixes error when minting Ark for A/V work type
- Adds file set ID to Preservation metadata tab
- Updates GraphQL schema for structural metadata to make accepted types and enum
- Upgrade Meadow to use Elixir/Erlang1.12-otp-24 (uses forked versions of sigaws)
- Uses updated OpenSeadragon viewer package
Updates for version 1.7.1 include:
- The ability to download file sets from the work preservation tab
- Optimization of the information display on the preservation metadata tab
- Project metadata fields are now single value fields (enforced by the UI)
- API for generating multiple shared links (Backend only, feature forthcoming)
- Bug fixes for CSV import/export handling leading or trailing white space and delimiters and for controlled authority drop down menus
- Elasticsearch indexing enhancements
- Adds new file set roles (Auxiliary (X)) and (Supplemental (S)) to database - in preparation for A/V work types
Updates for version 1.7.0 include:
- Inclusion of a “cultural context” field in the descriptive metadata for works (both Meadow and Digital Collections)
- A “view works” button on the NUL local authorities page, so you can view all works associated with a given NUL authority term
- Bug fixes for project page, ingest pipeline actions and more
Updates include:
- Improvements in NUL authorities lookups
- Added Meadow to Google Analytics for internal use statistics
- Optimized the build process for continuous integration
- Ark minting bug fix
- Preservation checks bug fix
- Worked to improve search through refinement of our Elasticsearch model.