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Suggestions by Nuspell

Comparing of suggestions from Nuspell with Hunspell and reporting on suggestion speedup and other optimizations. Optimization here means the limitation of searching for suggestions when the maximum number of suggestions has been reached or when certain specific suggestion methods have timed out.


This repository has the following goals. To report on the suggestions provided by Nuspell compared to suggestions provided with Hunspell. This is only done for a subset of dictionaries used in verification testing for which qualitative desirable suggestions are known.

This reporting helps analyzing how finding suggestions by Nuspell can be optimized and what the impact of the optimization is. Once this optimization has been fully completed, the test here can be migrated to the Nuspell platform-independent verification repository. The main audience here are developers and to provide preliminary figures on suggestion quality and timing.


The main directories in this repository are measurements-unoptimized and measurements-optimized. Supporting files are stored in dicts for the dictionaries and templates for generating histogram graphs on timings etc.

Both measurements directories have to following scripts:

  • runs all the tests in sequence
  • runs all the test in parallel
  • generates graphs in the graphs directory
  • generates an overall report called

Note that the test run in parallel require at least an eight core CPU. The script is only to be called by the previously mentioned measurement scripts. All measurement data is written to the logs directory and files to generate the plots are written to gnuplots.


The dictionaries used here files that were copied from the Ubuntu 20.04 packages:

dictionary package version
en_US hunspell-en-us 1:6.4.3-1
en_GB hunspell-en-gb 1:6.4.3-1
de_DE_frami hunspell-de-de-frami 1:6.4.3-1
fr hunspell-fr-comprehensive 1:6.4.1-1
nl hunspell-nl 2:2.10-6

Test data

The test data has been compiled from the following sources:

Lists with corrections to investigate to perhaps include later:

As is described in the help information of the verification executable, the test data consists of unique word without any spaces which is incorrect for Nuspell and Hunspell followed by a tab character and a preferred correction which is currently spelled according to Nuspell and Hunspell. All files are in UTF-8 format and have been sorted with the sort command.

Compared to verification testing, where word list are mostly provided by makers of dictionaries, here there are no sources from dictionary makers that provide lists of errors with corrections, except for Dutch. The source for Dutch has been filtered to contain only pair with a maximum Levenshtein distance of seven.

All TSV files are first semi-automatic altered and then heavily manually optimized to meet the demands for suggestion testing and optimization. The file are tab separated and contain one unique spelling error and one most likely correction, i.e. expected first suggestion. However, the sources used were mainly compiled by authors providing corrections for written texts with context and without any idea of the workings of Nuspell or Hunspell. Therefore it is not possible and also not the goal to get the preferred corrections in the suggestions, let alone, to get them as the first suggestion. What is important is to compare suggestions from Nuspell and Hunspell for this data and where they are equal, where they differ and how much time was needed for that.

In the directory measurements-unoptimized is also a script called to update the test data for those tests. The main test data is kept in the directory measurements-optimized in tab-separated value files.

The *-short.tsv files are shortened versions because the full versions of those files take more than 24 hours to process in with the unoptimized software. The shortening is done from the end of the file as all files start with words such as

0eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee	e
0éééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééééé	e
0nononononononononononononononononono	no
0yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes	yes

which typically in French and Dutch trigger extremely long times for suggestion generation in unoptimized code.

Note that suggestions are generated in many different ways, which can cause very different times to complete. Some important factors that play a role are:

  • the suggestion tactic; which suggestion method is tried when
  • the suggestion technique; some have another order processing power needed
  • the dictionary; suffixing, compounding, TRY, KEY, MAP, etc.
  • the word to find suggestions for; length, characters used


Before any tests are run, install the following:

sudo apt-get install gnuplot

In measurement-unoptimized, place a version of the Nuspell source tree which does not have optimized suggestions, e.g. . It does need extra code to report on timings, see the patch directory. There are altered versions for dictionary source code. Additionally it needs a version of the following files verification testing with similar metric reporting output (see optimized branch below):

  • CMakeLists.txt
  • tests/CMakeLists.txt
  • tests/verifify.cxx
  • src/nuspell/CMakeLists.txt

Then build Nuspell with:

cd nuspell
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DBUILD_TIMING=ON .. && make -j && make test
cd ../..

In measurement-optimized, place a branch of Nuspell where suggestions are optimized that includes similar lines for reporting the same metrics. It needs to be build with the same commands. Note, when the optimization has been completed, the reporting of these metrics are no longer relevant, only the numbers that are reported by the verification executable.

When measurement-optimized is build without the option -DBUILD_TIMING=ON, preventing writing metrics to log files, the speedup is marginally different. With that can be confirmed that the logging of metrics has no influence on the metrics reported here. Also in verification testing the speedup varies slightly with each test, in the second decimal.


The optimization used implements task 1. and 3. of nuspell/nuspell#45 See the specific Nuspell branch for details.

The timeout in the optimization is currently set to 5,000,000 nanoseconds. Using half of that only results in a marginal improvement of speedup but degrades the quality and number of suggestions returned. During development, also other values for timeout were tested, but this is currently the optimal value.

Maximum word length in Hunspell is set to 100, but in Nuspell this is set to 180. Reducing this to 100 increases speedup and suggestion quality marginally. This is something that could be investigated further later and maximum word length in Nuspell stays at 180.


The special builds of Nuspell provide timings per specific suggestion method, for the total suggestion method, how many attempts in certain suggestions methods were done and the number of suggestions that got returned. This is split off into several specific log files from which graphs are made with the script. See measurements-unoptimized/graphs and measurements-optimized/graphs. Titles of the graphs and their file names refer to specific and overall suggestion methods in the dictionary.cxx source file. Note that certain methods can be called in total more often than the number of words provided by a test.

The verification itself also reports on times and other metrics which are aggregated by the script, see measurements-unoptimized/ and measurements-optimized/ Here also a drill down to more details is offered.

A practical comparison of graphs is found in comparison/

As these tests compare Nuspell and Hunspell, the developer or analyst needs to compare the reports and graphs side by side to get more insight impact is of the optimization. In the overall number, clearly can be seen that these optimizations have a huge impact on the usability of Nuspell's suggestions.

The table below provides typical run times for the test and justifying shortening the tests for French and Dutch for the unoptimized code and at the same time, as the numbers in the report and output files illustrating the importance of suggestion optimization that is not apparent from testing with English dictionaries alone.

test / dict en_US en_GB de_DE_frami fr fr-short nl nl-short
unoptimized 17 m. 34 m. 8 m. >24 h. 205 m. >24 h. 57 m.
optimized 14 m. 25 m. 6 m. 4 m. 1 m. 67 m. 4 m.

Note that currently fr-short.tsv is the last 64 lines of fr.tsv and that nl-short.tsv is the last 256 lines of nl.tsv. All typical processing times here are from an i7-10510U CPU @ 1.80GHz. Once again, these run times are only additional. See the reports and graphs for actual metrics.