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RISC-V Formal Interface


A bindable RISC-V Formal Interface (RVFI) interface will be provided for |corev|. See [SYMBIOTIC-RVFI]_ for details on RVFI.

The module cv32e40x_rvfi can be used to create a log of the executed instructions. It is a behavioral, non-synthesizable, module that can be bound to the cv32e40x_core.

RVFI serves the following purposes:

  • It can be used for formal verification.
  • It can be used to produce an instruction trace during simulation.
  • It can be used as a monitor to ease interfacing with an external scoreboard that itself can be interfaced to an Instruction Set Simulator (ISS) for verification reasons.

New Additions

Debug Signals

output [NRET * 3 - 1 : 0] rvfi_dbg
output [NRET     - 1 : 0] rvfi_dbg_mode

Debug entry is seen by RVFI as happening between instructions. This means that neither the last instruction before debug entry nor the first instruction of the debug handler will signal any direct side-effects. The first instruction of the handler will however show the resulting state caused by these side-effects (e.g. the CSR rmask/rdata signals will show the updated values, pc_rdata will be at the debug handler address, etc.).

For the first instruction after entering debug, the rvfi_dbg signal contains the debug cause (see table below). The signal is otherwise 0. The rvfi_dbg_mode signal is high if the instruction was executed in debug mode and low otherwise.

Debug Causes
Cause Value
None 0x0
Ebreak 0x1
Trigger Match 0x2
External Request 0x3
Single Step 0x4


rvfi_dbg will not always match dcsr.CAUSE because an ebreak in debug mode will be reported via rvfi_dbg, whereas dcsr.CAUSE will remain unchanged for that case.

NMI signals

output [1:0] rvfi_nmip

Whenever |corev| has a pending NMI, the rvfi_nmip will signal this. rvfi_nmip[0] will be 1 whenever an NMI is pending, while rvfi_nmip[1] will be 0 for loads and 1 for stores.


This chapter specifies interpretations and compatibilities to the [SYMBIOTIC-RVFI]_.

Interface Qualification

All RVFI output signals are qualified with the rvfi_valid signal. Any RVFI operation (retired or trapped instruction) will set rvfi_valid high and increment the rvfi_order field. When rvfi_valid is low, all other RVFI outputs can be driven to arbitrary values.

Trap Signal

The trap signal indicates that a synchronous trap has ocurred and side-effects can be expected.

output rvfi_trap_t[NRET - 1 : 0] rvfi_trap

Where the rvfi_trap_t struct contains the following fields:

RVFI trap type
Field Type Bits
trap logic [0]
exception logic [1]
debug logic [2]
exception_cause logic [5:0] [8:3]
debug_cause logic [2:0] [11:9]
cause_type logic [1:0] [13:12]

rvfi_trap consists of 14 bits. rvfi_trap.trap is asserted if an instruction causes an exception or debug entry. rvfi_trap.exception is set for synchronous traps that do not cause debug entry. rvfi_trap.debug is set for synchronous traps that do cause debug mode entry. rvfi_trap.exception_cause provide information about non-debug traps, while rvfi_trap.debug_cause provide information about traps causing entry to debug mode. rvfi_trap.cause_type differentiates between fault causes that map to the same exception code in rvfi_trap.exception_cause and rvfi_trap.debug_cause. When an exception is caused by a single stepped instruction, both rvfi_trap.exception and rvfi_trap.debug will be set. When rvfi_trap signals a trap, CSR side effects and a jump to a trap/debug handler in the next cycle can be expected. The different trap scenarios, their expected side-effects and trap signalling are listed in the table below:

Table of synchronous trap types
Scenario Trap Type rvfi_trap CSRs updated Description
trap exception debug exception_cause debug_cause cause_type
Instruction Access Fault Exception 1 1 X 0x01 X 0x0 mcause, mepc PMA detects instruction execution from non-executable memory.
Illegal Instruction Exception 1 1 X 0x02 X 0x0 mcause, mepc Illegal instruction decode.
Breakpoint Exception 1 1 X 0x03 X 0x0 mcause, mepc EBREAK executed with dcsr.ebreakm = 0.
Load Address Misaligned Exception 1 1 X 0x04 X 0x0 mcause, mepc Non-naturally aligned Load-Reserved address.
Load Access Fault Exception 1 1 X 0x05 X 0x0 mcause, mepc Non-naturally aligned load access attempt to an I/O region.
0x1 mcause, mepc Load-Reserved attempt to region without atomic support.
Store/AMO Address Misaligned Exception 1 1 X 0x06 X 0x0 mcause, mepc Non-naturally aligned Store-Conditional / AMO address.
Store/AMO Access Fault Exception 1 1 X 0x07 X 0x0 mcause, mepc Non-naturally aligned store access attempt to an I/O region.
0x1 mcause, mepc SC or AMO attempt to region without atomic support.
Environment Call Exception 1 1 X 0x0B X 0x0 mcause, mepc ECALL executed from Machine mode.
Instruction Bus Fault Exception 1 1 X 0x24 X 0x0 mcause, mepc OBI bus error on instruction fetch.
Breakpoint to debug Debug 1 0 1 X 0x1 0x0 dpc, dcsr EBREAK from non-debug mode executed with dcsr.ebreakm == 1.
Breakpoint in debug Debug 1 0 1 X 0x1 0x0 No CSRs updated EBREAK in debug mode jumps to debug handler.
Debug Trigger Match Debug 1 0 1 X 0x2 0x0 dpc, dcsr Debug trigger address match with mcontrol.timing = 0.
Single step Debug 1 X 1 X 0x4 X dpc, dcsr Single step.


Interrupts are seen by RVFI as happening between instructions. This means that neither the last instruction before the interrupt nor the first instruction of the interrupt handler will signal any direct side-effects. The first instruction of the handler will however show the resulting state caused by these side-effects (e.g. the CSR rmask/rdata signals will show the updated values, pc_rdata will be at the interrupt handler address etc.).

output rvfi_intr_t[NRET - 1 : 0] rvfi_intr

Where the rvfi_intr_t struct contains the following fields:

RVFI intr type
Field Type Bits
intr logic [0]
exception logic [1]
interrupt logic [2]
cause logic [10:0] [13:3]

rvfi_intr consists of 14 bits. rvfi_intr.intr is set for the first instruction of the trap handler when encountering an exception or interrupt. rvfi_intr.exception indicates it was caused by synchronous trap and rvfi_intr.interrupt indicates it was caused by an interrupt. rvfi_intr.cause signals the cause for entering the trap handler.

Table of scenarios for first instruction of exception/interrupt/debug handler
Scenario rvfi_intr rvfi_dbg[2:0] mcause[31] dcsr[8:6] (cause)
intr exception interrupt cause
Synchronous trap 1 1 0 Sync trap cause 0x0 0
Interrupt (includes NMIs from bus errors) 1 0 1 Interrupt cause 0x0 1
Debug entry due to EBREAK (from non-debug mode) 0 0 0 0x0 0x1
Debug entry due to EBREAK (from debug mode) 0 0 0 0x0 0x1
Debug entry due to trigger match 0 0 0 0x0 0x2
Debug entry due to external debug request X X X X 0x3 or 0x5 X 0x3 or 0x5
Debug handler entry due to single step X X X X 0x4 X 0x4


In above table the - symbol indicates an unchanged value. The X symbol indicates that multiple values are possible.


rvfi_intr is not set for debug traps unless a debug entry happens during the first instruction of a trap handler (see rvfi_intr == X in the table above). In this case CSR side-effects (to mepc and mcause) can be expected as well.

Program Counter

The pc_wdata signal shows the predicted next program counter. This prediction ignores asynchronous traps (asynchronous debug requests and interrupts) and single step debug requests that may have happened at the same time as the instruction.

Memory Access

For |corev|, the rvfi_mem interface has been expanded to support multiple memory operations per instruction. The new format of the rvfi_mem signals can be seen in the code block below.

output [NRET * NMEM * XLEN - 1 : 0]   rvfi_mem_addr
output [NRET * NMEM * XLEN/8 - 1 : 0] rvfi_mem_rmask
output [NRET * NMEM * XLEN/8 - 1 : 0] rvfi_mem_wmask
output [NRET * NMEM * XLEN - 1 : 0]   rvfi_mem_rdata
output [NRET * NMEM * XLEN - 1 : 0]   rvfi_mem_wdata
output [NRET * NMEM * 3    - 1 : 0]   rvfi_mem_prot

Instructions will populate the rvfi_mem outputs with incrementing NMEM, starting at NMEM=1.

Instructions with a single memory operation (e.g. all RV32I instructions), including split misaligned transfers, will only use NMEM = 1. Instructions with multiple memory operations (e.g. the push and pop instructions from Zcmp) use NMEM > 1 in case multiple memory operations actually occur. rvfi_mem_prot indicates the value of OBI prot used for the memory access or accesses. Note that this will be undefined upon access faults.

For cores as |corev| that support misaligned access rvfi_mem_addr will not always be 4 byte aligned. For misaligned accesses the start address of the transfer is reported (i.e. the start address of the first sub-transfer).

CSR Signals

To reduce the number of signals in the RVFI interface, a vectorized CSR interface has been introduced for register ranges.

output [<NUM_CSRNAME>-1:0] [NRET * XLEN - 1 : 0] rvfi_csr_<csrname>_rmask
output [<NUM_CSRNAME>-1:0] [NRET * XLEN - 1 : 0] rvfi_csr_<csrname>_wmask
output [<NUM_CSRNAME>-1:0] [NRET * XLEN - 1 : 0] rvfi_csr_<csrname>_rdata
output [<NUM_CSRNAME>-1:0] [NRET * XLEN - 1 : 0] rvfi_csr_<csrname>_wdata


output [31:0] [31:0] rvfi_csr_name_rmask
output [31:0] [31:0] rvfi_csr_name_wmask
output [31:0] [31:0] rvfi_csr_name_rdata
output [31:0] [31:0] rvfi_csr_name_wdata

Instead of:

output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name0_rmask
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name0_wmask
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name0_rdata
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name0_wdata
. . .
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name31_rmask
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name31_wmask
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name31_rdata
output [31:0] rvfi_csr_name31_wdata

CSR mnxti

CSR accesses to the mnxti CSR do a read-modify-write on the mstatus CSR, and return a pointer address if there is a pending non-SHV CLIC interrupt. If there is a pending non-SHV CLIC interrupt, it also updates mintstatus and mcause. To reflect this behavior, the rvfi_csr_mnxti* outputs for mnxti have a different semantic than other CSRs.

The rvfi_csr_mnxti* is reported as follows on RVFI:

  • The rmask will always be all ones as for other CSRs.
  • The wmask will be all ones whenever the CSR instruction actually writes to mstatus.
  • The wdata will be the data written to mstatus.
  • The rdata will report a pointer address if an interrupt is pending, or 0 if no interrupt is pending.

Note that the rvfi_csr_mstatus* will also reflect the access to mstatus due to an mnxti access. In case the access to mnxti returns a valid pointer address, the rvfi_csr_mintstatus* and rvfi_csr_mcause* will also have values showing the side effects of accessing mnxti.

GPR signals

For |corev|, RVFI has been expanded to allow reporting multiple register file operations per instruction (more than two reads and one write). The interface is defined as follows:

output [NRET * 32 * XLEN - 1 : 0] rvfi_gpr_rdata
output [NRET * 32 -1 : 0]         rvfi_gpr_rmask
output [NRET * 32 * XLEN - 1 : 0] rvfi_gpr_wdata
output [NRET * 32 -1 : 0]         rvfi_gpr_wmask

The outputs rvfi_gpr_rdata and rvfi_gpr_wdata reflect the entire register file, with each XLEN field of the vector representing one GPR, with [x0] starting at index [XLEN - 1 : 0], [x1] at index [2*XLEN-1 -: XLEN] and so on. Each bit in the outputs rvfi_gpr_rmask and rvfi_gpr_wmask indicates if a GPR has been read or written during an instruction. The index of the bit indicates the address of the GPR accessed. Entries in rvfi_gpr_rdata and rvfi_gpr_wdata are only considered valid if the corresponding bit in the rvfi_gpr_rmask or rvfi_gpr_wmask is set.

Machine Counter/Timers

In contrast to [SYMBIOTIC-RVFI]_, the mcycle[h] and minstret[h] registers are not modelled as happening "between instructions" but rather as a side-effect of the instruction. This means that an instruction that causes an increment (or decrement) of these counters will set the rvfi_csr_mcycle_wmask, and that rvfi_csr_mcycle_rdata is not necessarily equal to rvfi_csr_mcycle_wdata.

Halt Signal

The rvfi_halt signal is meant for liveness properties of cores that can halt execution. It is only needed for cores that can lock up. Tied to 0 for RISC-V compliant cores.

Mode Signal

The rvfi_mode signal shows the current privilege mode as opposed to the effective privilege mode of the instruction. I.e. for load and store instructions the reported privilege level will therefore not depend on mstatus.mpp and mstatus.mprv.

OBI prot Signal

rvfi_instr_prot indicates the value of OBI prot used for fetching the retired instruction. Note that this will be undefined upon access faults.

Trace output file

Tracing can be enabled during simulation by defining CV32E40X_TRACE_EXECUTION. All traced instructions are written to a log file. The log file is named trace_rvfi.log.

Trace output format

The trace output is in tab-separated columns.

  1. PC: The program counter
  2. Instr: The executed instruction (base 16). 32 bit wide instructions (8 hex digits) are uncompressed instructions, 16 bit wide instructions (4 hex digits) are compressed instructions.
  3. rs1_addr Register read port 1 source address, 0x0 if not used by instruction
  4. rs1_data Register read port 1 read data, 0x0 if not used by instruction
  5. rs2_addr Register read port 2 source address, 0x0 if not used by instruction
  6. rs2_data Register read port 2 read data, 0x0 if not used by instruction
  7. rd_addr Register write port 1 destination address, 0x0 if not used by instruction
  8. rd_data Register write port 1 write data, 0x0 if not used by instruction
  9. mem_addr Memory address for instructions accessing memory
  10. rvfi_mem_rmask Bitmask specifying which bytes in rvfi_mem_rdata contain valid read data
  11. rvfi_mem_wmask Bitmask specifying which bytes in rvfi_mem_wdata contain valid write data
  12. rvfi_mem_rdata The data read from memory address specified in mem_addr
  13. rvfi_mem_wdata The data written to memory address specified in mem_addr
PC        Instr     rs1_addr  rs1_rdata  rs2_addr  rs2_rdata  rd_addr  rd_wdata    mem_addr mem_rmask mem_wmask mem_rdata mem_wdata
00001f9c  14c70793        0e   000096c8        0c   00000000       0f  00009814    00009814         0         0  00000000  00000000
00001fa0  14f72423        0e   000096c8        0f   00009814       00  00000000    00009810         0         f  00000000  00009814
00001fa4  0000bf6d        1f   00000000        1b   00000000       00  00000000    00001fa6         0         0  00000000  00000000
00001f5e  000043d8        0f   00009814        04   00000000       0e  00000000    00009818         f         0  00000000  00000000
00001f60  0000487d        00   00000000        1f   00000000       10  0000001f    0000001f         0         0  00000000  00000000