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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

writing shit code is a skill I am trying to develop. What has helped me so far was to write incomplete systems, share it with other people and see what happens.

SkyStar Studio YeShan Planet Earth

SPHYNX gakkossphynx
Neither Me Nor You


carl crl
本来想了解世界的本质, 但世界太复杂了

上海灵娱网络科技 上海

Alexander Malyutin alexmalyutindev
Unity C# Developer / Graphics Programmer
Yicong Wu alittlealex
Indie Game Developer

Los Angeles

Luther timluther

Totga games Wales

Dada Hsueh dadahsueh
Goofy Goober

Unity China Shanghai

RedFX RedFXGit
Techart and VFX

New Zealand

SYoung Soung2279


mehdi bashiri nejad newprogrammeram
programmer web and think game
Six Jonathan Renardjojo
Rendering programmer at Ubisoft Paris mobile

Ubisoft Montreuil, France

Miyitus Miyitus
New Media Artist, Curator and Internet Lover

Beautiful Interfaces / Dismantling the Simulation / DOB France

Jack moto2002
Game Designer

NetEase Guangzhou

Jela Miraj JelaMiraj
Content Creator, Unity3D & programming language design enthusiast. Is Fan of SmallTalk, Lisp, Erlang, & Haskell. Also likes Python, JavaScript, Elixir, & Ruby.

West Coast, USA

10 years multi-platform client develop and 2 years cloud DevOps experience. Like algorithm and optimizing. Indie game developer. C++, Objc, Python, Java, JS.

China, Hangzhou

Zou Wei zwcloud


TMoney Games johnwheeler1

TMoney Game Studio California

夜莺 killop
True And Free


Ben 3enny3oy
I keep hitting the escape key, but I'm still here!

@supercline ChengDu

Muhammad Rizqi Nur R-N
