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Darkie itzdark5728
A Moment Apart....
infradragon infradragon
god doesn't play dice
Moh Ravi Dwi Putra rdp77
The dreamer who wants more

@wreative Surabaya, Indonesia

I have zero programming knowledge.


Federico Benedetti fexxdev
Fullstack Developer @nebulateamwork · UX/UI Enthusiast · Co-Founder of @team-ledges

@nebulateamwork Fermignano

Tobias Brummer lyca-knight
“A computer is like air conditioning – it becomes useless when you open Windows.” - Linus Torvalds

@Fischer-Systempartner Bayern, Germany

Ian Estrada ianEstrada
Estudiante de Ingeniería en Inteligencia Artificial, enfocado en el modelado de nuevas IA. Machine Learning y Deep Learning. TensorFlow, Numpy, Pandas, etc

Tijuana, Baja California

Contropist contropist
手工故事艺人,次世代魔法师。 Handcrafted Story Maker, Next-Generation Magician.

Osome Labs The Real World

Tolentino Cotesta cotestatnt

Organization Roma, Italia

Reece Jordaan ReeceJordaan
I like solving problems.

Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Gasim Mammadov gasimmammadov1
Hi everyone!👋

EPAM Azerbaijan

Lotusify lotusify
Lotus is a plant that never fails to make a splash wherever it grows.

The World

Paul-Franck Dencausse Paul-FranckDencausse
Nulla dies sine linea (coding). Pline the modern. Errare humanum est , persevere diabolicum est.To err is to be human, to have bugs is diabolical.

NDSL Bordeaux

Ruslan Manov RMANOV
If something doesn't work with code, it does with better code! But there is no perfect code - something can always be done better!


Bhavya Khandelwal theunexceptional
I am an 16 years old boy with some knowledge in the programming world, with just one goal, Money! I know basic Python, Html and JavaScript.
Amir Mohammadi amircivil2080
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Homogeneous Dynamical Systems
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Caleb Z uptownzombi21
in toilet >:D


Adas adasjusk
Just A Full Stack Developer.

InterJavas Projects Lithuania

Benoit Dubois Weefle
Hi, I'm a 24 years old french engineering student who love coding solutions with C#, Blazor, MAUI, .NET and manage data with SQL, DAX.

Abylsen Est France

Hamza Ferrahoğlu HFerrahoglu
Officially Full Stack Developer / Self-styled CLI & AI Developer


M1CH4LQ Michaleq24

Katowice, Silesia

om3ga6400 om3ga6400
I really only do stuff on here when I'm bored during school.

CodeRVA Richmond | Virginia | USA

Bad Mark badmark
Coding since the days before the net on a C64. Kicking around some NodeJs libraries and participating in OSS projects.

Detroit Rock City