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what isn't a scam really when you think about it ?


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


MD Jahid Hasan mdjahidhasan009
Full Stack Web Developer | React | Node.js | Express | MongoDB

MyMedicalHUB Dhaka, Bangladesh

Genesky guardian-IO-netizen
| SSI | Aeonexus | Guardian IO | Quantum SuperIntelligence

Safe Super Intelligence SSI

Shahed Chy Suzan Shahed-Chy-Suzan
Software Engineer || Laravel & Vue.js lover

@CraftsmenLtd Bangladesh

Sadekur Rahaman Biplob14
Software Development Engineer || Passionate about learning

Craftsmen Dhaka, Bangladesh

TOHID RUPOK tohidrupok
Python Django Developer | AI & ML Learner | PKG IT | Craftsmen | Adlytic Solutions | Phriton.

Proper Education BD Dhaka,Bangladesh

Sk Arif skarif2
🚀 Node & TS dev | Loves Elixir, FP & Open Source | Building Scalable & Intuitive Solutions with React, GraphQL & AWS

Craftsmen Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Noyon noyonict
1xAWS, Terraform, Docker, Jenkins, 1xPython, Machine learning Mirpur-6, Dhaka - 1216

Sakib Alam sakibstark11
Learning and implementing on the GO
Abdullah Al Mamun Mamun-Developer
Currently working on sports live streaming using AWS Media Services

Craftsmentltd Lakshmipur, Bangladesh