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Franklin Rakotomalala aifrak
Senior Software Engineer, Mentor on the Elixir track of @exercism.

CLARK Frankfurt, Germany

Mario marioAmauta
Frontend Developer. I like technology, science and music. In my free time I like to play the Saxophone.

Mario Programador Chile

Paulo Renato Exadra37
Over 15 years of experience in Software Development |> 10 years as a Software Engineer (PHP, Elixir) |> 5 years as a Developer Advocate for Mobile API Security


Victor P Oliveira oliveiravictorp
Full-Stack Web Developer; Elixir (Phoenix); JavaScript (Svelte).

TrueChange SP, Brasil

Felipe Alfonso González felipealfonsog
Computer Science Engineer (Ingº en Informática). Unleashing innovation by crafting visionary solutions with precision and cutting-edge tech expertise.

@nymexhub @novalangley @community Santiago, RM, Chile

Gabriel Muñoz Castro mrGoonies
from Chile to the world ♥️

Santiago, Chile

Rocket rocket4ce
Backend Dev


Enrique Leigh enlego
Marketing Coach. Learn marketing strategy with me at

Dell Technologies Santiago, Chile

Alex Cassol alexcassol

Santa Cruz do Sul, RS, Brasil

Pablo Blanco PabloB07

world Chile, los lagos, Frutillar

Jc Ayala D3vaya
Intentando ser un buen programador ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ). Elixir and Typescript Enthusiast 💜.

ETpay Chile

Adolfo Neto adolfont
Associate Professor at UTFPR Curitiba

DAINF - UTFPR Curitiba, PR, Brazil

Alexis Mansilla Ruiz alexismansilla
A Rubyist 💎 / Software Enginner 🖥️

@recorrido Puerto Montt, Chile

Felipe Barrios fbarriosCL
Founder & Development Security Operations Explained @BacktrackAcademy @checkauditor Santiago - Chile

Cristián Arenas Ulloa NinoScript

@fortelabsinc @N3TWORK Santiago, Chile

Gustavo Giménez GusGA
Working on it!

Santiago, Chile