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Aidan Ong ardentaegis17
push, play, pull, pray, git commit and call it a day

National University of Singapore

Sam Tan MisterDoobDoob
Make anything 1% better


Estee Tey lyqht
I like to make people happy and building stuff seems to help with that.

@Padlet Singapore

Roger Yeo rogeryeosgit
Enjoys programming in my free time. Runs the Singapore GeeksHacking community. Tech Director at work.

GeeksHacking Singapore

Daksh Thapar DakshRocks21

@swiftinsg, @Yes-but-No, @geekshacking Singapore, Singapore

Hang Nguyen sonbui00
Software Engineer
Samrat Sapkota samratcodes
Computer science student || Web developer|| Content creator


Pavel Kuzmin pavelsingapore
I create cool mobile content


Jerick Seng jer123se12
no more stock photo now i have a photo
