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Abidoye Anuoluwapo Anuoluwapo65
An undegraduate student with a research focus and interest in deep learning and clinical natural language processing

obafemi awolowo university ile ife

student forever!
Alejandro Lozano Ale9806
Ph.D. Candidate @ Stanford AI Lab

Stanford University Palo Alto, California

AMDEV01 amdev01
Test Analyst

United Kingdom

Florencia D'Andrea flor14
Designing software tools to help solve research problems


Gaurav webspeller
Interested in Functional Programming, Blockchain, AI, AR-VR, Vision and Robotics Technologies.


Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Carlos Ricardo Ziegler CarlosZiegler
~Javascript~ Typescript and AI Enthusiast

Payrollers GmbH Berlin

Rutvik Solanki Rutvikrj26
Software Engineer at University of Toronto

UofT Toronto

codebyArya-bit codebyArya-bit
Curious coder | Passionate about Python, games, and innovation | Exploring new worlds, one line of code at a time
George Kenefati georgekenefati
I enjoy leveraging statistics and machine learning to study complex functions of the brain

New York, NY

Annie He anniezhe
I collect, extract, and analyze information to learn and present optimized and important documents.

United States

Abdulaziz Abdulakhadov aabdulakhadov

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

Leo Ota leoota
Born in 1988. Research Scientist. For 5 years and more, I handled human movement data. I am accustomed to using RStudio, Matlab, python, Visual Studio (C++)
salpaca10x salpaca10x

tenXclinical Princeton, NJ & New York City

João Câmara guizado
João Câmara @ IST
Mário Santos mario-santosgithub

Student, Instituto Superior Tecnico Setúbal

Umesh Bhatt usathyan
Curious about tech, Serious about sharing.


Mohammad Hossein Yazdi Yazdi9
Machine Learning / Computer Vision / Time Series Analysis / Generative AI / NLP
xiaoerlageid xiaoerlaigeid
Phd student in KTH
Igor Bogdanov igorpex
Full Stack Developer (React/NodeJS), Product Manager, Project Manager, Videoconferencing Engineer.


Wang Chunjiang chunjiangwong
☞If you want to promote yourself quickly,you have to learn how to share. 但行好事,莫问前程💪 前路有光,初心莫忘🍺

USTC Su Zhou, Jiang Su, China

Sul Sulstice
I'm a 5th Year Doctorate Student who loves organic chemistry, devops, chemicals, social media, stock marketing, art, and law. I try to develop in those areas.

@mackerell-lab United States

Zhiying Liang JoyceLiang-sudo
Deep learning; Medical Images; School of Biomedical Engineering

ShanghaiTech University Shanghai,China

Panyawut Intharasanee lzlpxinthlzl
Panyawut Intharasanee 01/03/1988 man
iano IanoNjuguna
Blockchain Developer


Aleix Mariné-Tena AleixMT
Software Development / Data Stewarding - Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ)

Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ) Spain

Francisco Maria Calisto FMCalisto
Human-Computer Interaction enthusiast working as Researcher & Software Engineer. Supporting Medical Imaging with Health Informatics research.

Institute for Systems and Robotics Portugal