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Aman Shenoy aman-shenoy
Graphics Engineer @Meshcapade

Meshcapade Bangalore

Ahmad Sebaq asebaq
Computer Vision Engineer
Ahmad Hamdan ahmad12hamdan99
Robotics Software Engineer

Innopolis University Innopolis, Russia

Zhang Yufeng rocketman123456
I’m working hard to realize my dream.


skywoodsz skywoodsz

Harbin Institute of Technology China

KDW dawan0111

Hanyang University ERICA Asia/Seoul

Sandesh Thapa sandeshthapa
Controls | Autonomy | Robotics
Tokhchukov Danil makriot
AGI enthusiast

Skoltech & YSDA Moscow

Yash it5meyash
Programmer | Learner | Gamer
Hojin Ahn Ahnhojin1223
hojin's github

KAIST N1 building EE312 USRG 대전 유성구 대학로 291 N1 312호

Lily (Xianling) Zhang lilyzhng
Technical Lead, Machine Learning Research Scientist in Autonomy

Palo Alto, CA United States

Victoria Zhang Victoria666666
Data Science Learner, Data Analyst, Classical Music Lover, Violin Player

New York

Divesh Chowdary FrostGod
JiHyeok Kim JihyeokKim
M.S Student in the school of Electrical Engineering

KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Daejeon, Korea

yooson YoosonChan
宁缺毋滥 The best or go without.

Earth Dream

Hyeonji Shin shhy01

MPIL(Machine Perception and Intelligence Lab) Korea

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Pallav Bhalla pallavbhalla
Robotics || Autonomous Vehicles

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Feng Xu islexu

Munich, Germany

Jingxiao Chen TimerChen
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. My research topics are Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China