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aebel-work work-aebel

work-aebel aebel-work

Ben ben854719
Hello, I am Ben. I enjoy coding and creating new application in software and AI.

Upwork Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Selim Yaman selimyamanONS
Data Scientist at ONS. Personal Account: @selimyaman

Office for National Statistics

Charlie_Tomlin_ONS c-tomlin

Office for National Statistics UK

Alik Vodyanov Alik-V
Senior Operational Researcher

HEOR Ltd Cardiff

Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Doğuş Öksüz Dogus-Can-Oksuz
Data Scientist | Lecturer | Researcher in Cognitive Science


Ezzy Cross EzzyCross
New starter for the ONS


Harvey Matthews HarvMatthews
2nd Year Computer Science Student at University of Liverpool. Currently Looking for a year In industry placement, Willing to relocate
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ben Snaith BenSnaith
2nd Year Computer Science.

Birmingham, UK

Isabela isaqueiros
BSc Software Engineering student with a focus in Data Science & Engineering.

United Kingdom

Joshua Chapman jchapman68

Office for National Statistics

Sam W SamWDataVis
I like data vis