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Kumara Krishnan Kumara-Krishnan

Zoho Corporation Chennai

Vuong vuon9
☕️ with 🧊


Aerith Netzer aerithnetzer
Librarian @ Northwestern University. I build journals and bring supercomputers to the humanities.

Northwestern University Chicago

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


mocenigo mocenigo
Father, Composer, Mathematician, Cryptologist. Former architect at ARM. Designed QARMA. Chaotic good. Notorious craic killer.

Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Simone Margio simonemargio
Software engineer with a passion for design.

Accenture Technology Solutions

🕸️👨‍🚀1 | Shyamal Chandra | (श्यामल चंद्र) | 🎹1🟥1🇻🇦1♟️🏁⚽🏈🏀🏒⚾🏏|🇺🇸1🇧🇷1🇮🇹1🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿1🇮🇪1🇮🇳1🇫🇷1🇵🇹1🐻1 🐾1🦍1🏴󠁩󠁮󠁷󠁢󠁿1🐅|🍀ND#1 | 🗽1 shyamalschandra
SVP Dev, Sapana Micro Software; Sole Technical Founder (YC SUS) & Chess Player, @lichess-org & @ucla Bruin & Pitt Panther! 👑​†​Ⓥૐ Born & raised in KS! 💚🇮🇪

Sapana Micro Software 🌙💭👩‍💻 Smallville, KS, USA (Pittsburg, KS)🇺🇸🐘🌻🧘‍♂️🙏📿

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Sandy Marrero sandy-marrero
Senior Software Engineering student

Puerto Rico

Takeshi Masumoto tinyreminder
Audio DSP engineer


eg canering

Tampa, FL

Phillip Ressler resslerruntime1983
Hi there. I am a continuing computer science student who would like to learn how to code in multiple languages.

Ressler Runtime Palmdale, California USA

Razvan Burz razvanburz
Solution architect, senior software architect, founder at Burzcast

Burzcast Cluj-Napoca, Romania


Alipay Hangzhou, China

lelebulele lelebulele
Github walhalla 4 all thu good stuff
Alex Zee Comedy alexzeecomedy
AAPI/Latinx stand-up comedian who brings dishonor to entire family!

Mandarin House Productions Alabama, USA

Liam Mitchell ldmitch
Management engineering student at the University of Waterloo


Marco Siccardi MSicc
Father of 2 (teenager/young adult), husband to a wonderful wife. Developer (.NET), learning SWIFT. Runner, iPhone photographer, Apple user. 🇺🇸🇮🇹🇩🇪

@MSiccDev Europe

Peter Ponert peterponert

Greater Toronto Area, Canada

renkunx renkunx
stay hungry😈 stay foolish 😳

Island xi'an

Siavash Davani BlackWild
Software Developer

Jena, Germany