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Zhafran hixio-mh
Looking for something new and the best update code. Hobby reading while learning to do it yourself...

@XirdigH Canada

Phani Srikar Pikachuxxxx
Graphics Programmer | 90% of my body is made of games

Bangalore, India

1393650770 1393650770
Keep your mind open and keep moving forward
Bikram Adhikari robosherpa
Software | Firmware | AI/ML | Research

Redwood City, California

Mi3V Mine556
Red-Grey Hat H@ck3r 😋 I use Arch on my PS4 & Kali btw

M2IE Ostrava

Crystal_Alchemist q1blue

Quantum Blockchain Ai

杨涛 yt09


Yunqian Chen (Frank) Frank51
DELL Software Engineer. Gopher, Kubernetes, VM.

@DELL Boston, MA

dingxiaowei dingxiaowei
Love Code,Love Game! 个人博客: VX:AladdinDXW

HUAWEI Shanghai China

Ott Lontra lontrafag
Nem sei porque eu fiz esse perfil lul

华东师范大学 上海

Wondosen WondesenB

PNU, USDL Lab Korea

Lucas LucasRui2022
Passion about CG stuff.
Glen Alex Porter Jr bitolodeonai7
Student of Media / Entertainment Technologies and Sciences

Ai Avatar Alliance, LLC Los Angeles, CA

Fazyyk Fazyyk

Teplice, Czech Republic, 41501

HuYingzhuo(hugo) hyzboy
I'm a Game Developer

Tencent Shenzhen Guangdong of China

RoZeʟ-RoṨeʟ ekstuhsee1


hawk wlxklyh