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Victoria Cheng victoriacheng15
Software Development Student @ SAIT | React | TypeScript | Python | Docker | Node.js | MongoDB

Calgary, Canada

hideon27 hideon27
Hohai University major in computer science

Hohai University nanjing

Walt wanghui5257

Shenzhen city Guangdong province China

WhiteMasky WhiteMasky
There is no black magic in the world of computer science.
Mimi huai-chi
IOT Forrest25
New comer

Banma Shanghai

teboho teboho
Software Is Eating The World | Checkout @shesha-io / shesha-framework

South Africa

CodeMeditator CodeMeditator
IVI & BD • 师夷长技以制夷
DaVinci fengqiliu

DJHU ShangHai

Connie Brislin joinersoft
Hi.I'm Connie Brislin, I am a college student and most of the time I have to study. I enjoy rap and danceing, as well as swimming.
Yeusheen yeusheen
 iOS Engineer.

Hang zhou

Lê Huỳnh Đức lhduc02
Data Analyst / Data Engineer

Amobear Game Studio Vietnam

Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


pjk pjkoner


cq Jerryqun
