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Coda CodaCM
Main dev of Grass and a part of FRC. I like to work on anything electronical, really, anything. I am actively working on soooooooooo much right now
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


HKS 27D hks27d
Software Developer


Person PersonForever
Flower. Forever Younger.

FREAN Studio Osaka

super weird

One Company Mars

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Jadon L koerismo
"The lettuce" redirects here.
Rafał Więcek DarkGL
I do stuff and I like to make javascript fast

Warsaw, Poland

Juniper jvnipers
Big (not smart) nerd, shit dev, also the Owner of @FemboyKZ

wish i was a neet Finland, Vantaa



Filippo Quaranta filippoquaranta

Professional in Computer Science Milan - Italy

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
I'm just a human.
Name: ________________ mlibre2
hobby() { programmer & debugger; } >_ Batch, VBS, Pawn, JS, PHP, SQL, AutoIt, Lua, Pascal, C, C++

IT company technical support return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

Source Engine enthusiast. Learning new things every day.


Danny Colin dannycolin
@mozilla Firefox contributor. All things Containers. @thunderbird Council member

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

C. Iulian solitaire83
iulica aka solitaire


Vaseto VasetoSoft
inactivo inactivood
Software developer Discord = inactivoo / inactivoo#1318

Vertex Arena - Software Developer Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

EpicSprout EpicSprout
✨ Creator of CosmoBot! 🚀 In development now!

@Incosmo @CosmoBotOfficial Australia

tachyonGZ∑ tachyonGZ
Kirill Deryabin catalyst2001
Worked with: asm (less), C, C++, C#, pawn. Interests: Real-time audio and video, network protocols, DSP, computer graphics, gamedev, reverse engineering.


FXVNDER fxvnder
João Oliveira, 23 y/o from 🇵🇹.

Coimbra Institute of Engineering Coimbra, Portugal

aly aly1337
GO.GGEZ.RO Manager HNS.GGEZ.RO Founder
Bayasgalan .B algorithm-developer
while (alive) { code(); }

algorithm Mongolia

Muhammad Ilham Jaya ilhamjaya08
Junior Software Engineer & Student

SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia