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Richard Oliver Bray RichardBray
Developer and educator. Working on courses, games and other digital products.

Orva Studio Sheffield

Antonio Luevano aluevano
Lifelong Learner, Leader, and Mentor. See my readme. @microsoft alumni, Azure MVP, Dotnet, K8s. I enjoy working on selfhosting, open source efforts.

@microsoft @avanade @genvio Frisco, TX USA

Ken Nickerson kcnickerson
Maker, Coder, Hacker, MaveriX, XanaduAI, HorizonIO, CDL, i6, xdTaz, xOmers, xFlixel, xRthm, xKobo, xOpenCola, xMicrosoft, xRogers, xBanks, xXs

iBinary LLC Toronto, ON

M Haidar Hanif mhaidarhanif
✨ Helping people in software, web, design, career, life. 🐻@bearmentor 🐱@catamyst 🐶@dogokit 🏯@bandungdevcom

@bearmentor @bearmentor-community Jakarta-Bandung-Bali, Indonesia

Peterson Scheffer Joao-Peterson
Control and automation engineer 💪 // Programmer 👨‍💻


Salaheddin AbuEin sabuein
A human, father, husband, digital creative and web developer @RapidInfoSys

Seeking new opportunities London, UK

Yigit Ozcelik Ozc-Y
Seeking work in the technical writing space in Canada. VerifyWise documentation lead. Interests: Physics, Scientific computing, Linux, AI

Toronto, ON

Juan Barbosa jsbarbosa
Now is better than never. Every person’s life is a novel; while you’re still alive, you can drastically change its meaning. AM

AI4FinTech Bogota Colombia

erfan erfuuan
interested in programming and security
Taylan Sabırcan savepopulation
Engineering Manager, #Android, #Engineer, #CS, #GO, #Consultant, #Remote


Omer Alpi omeralpi
product hacker

Izmir Teknoloji Izmir

Anil Baki Durmus anldrms
Sys-admin @ CarltonOne | ex-ebay-trendyol

CarltonOne Markham,Ontario

Sajan SajanGhuman
Likes to code. Loves to read manga. Arch Linux. Neo vim enthusiast.


Luis Carlos Rojano lcrojano
Full stack engineer | Angular | typescript | JavaScript | Laravel


Mahdi Ettehadnejad mahdi-eth
Passionate backend developer at Chadco. Crafting with heart and vision. Embracing e-acc.

Chadco Earth

Cool Dev cool-guru
Senior Full-Stack Web Developer
Austin Songer, CISSP austinsonger
Governance, Risk, and Compliance Lead, MIS,CEH,ESCA,Project+ (Navy Veteran)

Chicago, Illinois

Mehmet Ali Peker MrPeker
Entrepreneur, Developer. Co-founder @ T-Fashion Tech Lead @ Ninja Squad #NodeJS #React #AWS #Blockchain

@T-Fashion Istanbul

Mevlüt Can Tuna mevlutcantuna

Frontend Developer Turkey

odayibasi odayibasi
Senior Frontend Developer at Thundra

@thundra-io Ankara

Emre Özkan emrozkan
Full Stack Developer


Eyüp relliv
passionate full stack developer. ts, nx ng nest, react next, vue nuxt, php laravel livewrire alpinejs

NGEEN Istanbul

Umut Işık umutphp
Head of Software @copyrightcapital, Senior Software Engineer, Open Source Volunteer, A Timid Entrepreneur, Mentor at Tech Istanbul

@copyrightcapital Istanbul

Müslüm Barış Korkmazer babico
Atılım University

NGX Storage Ankara

Selçuk KUBUR selcukkubur
DevOps Tech Lead

AIFI Istanbul/Turkey

Burak İmrek devburak

İkonx Bilişim ve Tarım Sanayi ve Ticaret LTD. ŞTİ. izmir, Turkey

Mert Boyar Mertcanboyar
Privacy pro, soon to be a privacy engineer.
Reza Cosmodocus
Frontend & Full Stack Developer working on EdTech AI Agents & InsurTech B2B Portals


Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Mahid Ahmad mahid797

@bluewave-labs Toronto, ON

Abhishek abhishekpatelmc

@Pixomondo Toronto, ON

Mustafa Ersoy mustafaersoyer
NodeJS Backend Developer, Computer Engineer
