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Tin C. tim5go
Data enthusiast, and NLP engineer

Hong Kong

Computer Science & Atmospheric Science at UC Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley

Nissi Nassime RtillaWork
Software Developer | Full-Stack | Life Time Apprentice | New Grad | Do Androids Dream of /proc/self?

Loading... Internet, Everywhere, The Osmos

Kyle Ramachandran kylezryr
EECS @ UC Berkeley

Berkeley, CA

amadika hapatika
note to self : assume wlog everyone bears the burden of inconsequence

Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR

Can Koz canxkoz
MSc in Advanced Computer Science at University of Oxford. I build things.

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Carleton Blueprint CarletonBlueprint
We're Carleton Blueprint, building technology for social good.

Ottawa, Ontario

Benjamín Vicente benjavicente
CTO @mome-cl. Ing. de Software @ UC.

MOME Chile

Aidan Sunbury aidansunbury
EECS Major at UC Berkeley. Building some cool stuff and learning along the way.
Albert Lie 이영덕 albertlieyingadrian
Love building things. Bio:

@xendit @forwardlabs-ai @agency-fund Bay Area, Seoul

Lars Foleide Zyron
NTNU master student

Trondheim, Norway

Noah Hernandez oahnh
Data Eng @ NYT

Los Angeles, CA

Agustín Covarrubias agucova
I do a bit of everything, but nothing especially well.

Santiago, Chile

Dimas A. Sudjito dimassudjito
Software Engineer at TD

Toronto, Canada

Gabe Espinosa gabriel-jt

@calblueprint UC Berkeley