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Mohammad Mubassir m-triple-m
Gaming and Coding

@digipodium India

Akshay Pratap Singh Akshayconqurers
As a final-year B.Tech student majoring in Computer Science, I am deeply passionate about development and coding. I possess a high level of proficiency in C++.
YASH SINGH yash-nomadic
Hi there! 👋 I'm a Full-Stack Web Developer with a passion for building innovative web applications using the MERN Stack 🚀
mysgrown 0gaurav4
Gaurav Tiwari


Stuti Rajeev thestutirajeev

Vellore, Tamil Nadu

Vinayak Sharma Vinayak-alt-hash
I am a data-driven professional passionate about transforming complex datasets into actionable insights. With a strong background in finance and analytics.
Harsh Rai Harsh404
MERN DEVELOPER with less than one year of experience and also learn about creating API and small web apps for a specific purpose.


Safiullah Ansari raj9572
i am full stack developer..seeking for frontend role
Reena Kaushal Reenakaushal

Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh

Saif Ali Saifali9628
A 3rd-year student I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University Lucknow

Aman kumar Mishra Amanmishra03
B.Tech 4th year with CSE(AI &ML)


Nitish Kumar Yadav nitishyadav4169
4th year electronics and communication engineering student

lucknow , uttarpradesh

Akash Kumar Singh akashkumarsingh1191
I am Akash Kumar Singh. I am from Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh. I am currently pursuing B.Tech. with Computer Science & Engineering .I have command on python & C .

Tranzita System Gorakhpur Uttar Pradesh India

Ajay Singh AjaySingh0812
Beginner ...

Gorakhpur , India