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A Passionate CTO to be.Following the stairways as failure is a stepping stone to success.#FULL-STACK-DEVELOPER,#Ethical-Hacker,#Expert-Network-Engineer.
Jonas jonasermert

Germany, Thüringen, Erfurt

Abhishek Anand wizzy-abhishek
A Software Engineer is not just a coder

Technocrats Institute Technology Bhopal, India

Valentin Delaye jonesbusy
Senior DevOps Engineer, GSoC mentor, Governance Board member for @jenkinsci

@jenkinsci contributor Lausanne, Switzerland

Mohammad Askari asgari1991
Frontend Developer

Iran , Arak

Domenic Gosein goseind
Software Engineer with focus on Platform, DevOps & SRE

@jambit Munich

AIZEND Ai & International Artificial Intelligence


Nationsorg nationsorg
International association Nationsorg

Nationsorg France

Chrizzly Chris2011
Software developer who loves TS & JS. #Vue #Angular #ngLeipzig. Organizer of the Angular Meetup - Leipzig and the Vue Meetup - Leipzig. Apache Committer.

@jambit Germany

Gernot Pointner gernd

@jambit Leipzig

Phillipp Glanz TheMeinerLP
Owner of @OneLiteFeatherNET & Admin of projects.

@Jambit Germany

Alexander Niedrist niedrist

jambit GmbH Munich, Germany

Mammon mammon69bot 33.668077 latitude -117.327262 longitude

Leon lbehrndt

@jambit GmbH Berlin, Germany

Sebastian Dorsh hippotized

@jambit Munich, Germany