Stann-Omar Jones
Data scientist with expertise in strategic finance. Passionate about leveraging data for insights. If the repository isn't a fork, then it belongs to me.
Montreal, CA
Soros Wen
CS Alumni from Boston University. Also an amateur photographer. Open to ideas and research collaborations. Feel free to reach out.
Microsoft Medford, MA
Nelson A. Colón
I'm a AI/ML nerd living and working in DC/NYC/[MIA], who likes sports stats, music, books and turning every idea into a web application.
Gerrit Mora
Media Buying // Political Ads // Pretty Things // I own Tuesday Digital
Tuesday Digital USA
D. Alex Hughes
Political Science PhD.
School of Information @UCB-MIDS Data Science Professor researching experiments and causality in politics, development and data science
@UCB-MIDS Berkeley
Cole Tanigawa-Lau
PhD candidate in Political Science studying U.S. politics and political methodology.
Joshua Murbarger
Geospatial is geometric is poetic..."I see planes bestriding each other and sometimes straight lines seem to me to fall." Cezanne(?) by way of Wallace Stevens.
Harlin Lee
UNC-Chapel Hill Data Science & Society, Math and CS.
Previously: Postdoc at UCLA Math. MIT EECS & CMU ECE alum.