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Rafael Tappe Maestro Wehzie
MSc Artificial Intelligence. Student in human medicine.

Medical School Hamburg EU

Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Sebastian Keller dskeller
System Engineer

Dataport AöR Germany

__z__ alpinebuster
😶‍🌫️ The continuous rain does not know that spring has gone, and once it clears, I realize that summer is deep.


Done ,

Egypt, duh

Dominik Henneke dhenneke

@plancraft Hamburg, Germany

Predrag Tasevski stepcellwolf
Cybersecurity & Privacy by Design Advocate | Certified ISO, DPO, and more at Berlin, Germany

Emin ADIGÜZEL eminadiguzel
Software Developer


Reto Schneider rettichschnidi
Fish plus time

@husqvarnagroup Switzerland

Paul solarkraft
UX enthusiast & recreational technology abuser. Quick and dirty can be elegant.

Dortmund, Germany

Developer, maintainer and system administrator working on a variety of open source projects

Föderale IT-Kooperation (FITKO) Europe, Germany

Karsten Klein karsten-klein

{metæffekt} GmbH Heidelberg