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Reif010 LaluRief
Ada masa waktu keindahan itu datang dengan kebenaran yang mutlak dari hati ke Alam semesta

Hotel Indonesia

BOHDAN Biloonov
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer (Rust / Solidity / Typescript) • 3D • Designer • Polkadot Blockchain Academy PBA-X Cohort #1 Alum • Upcoming: PBA Campus Lucerne
Zach Carney Shorty2wik

Wikidusedsales Canton ohio

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Sumanth Krishna 🕵🏻‍♂️ sumanth-krishna
Crafting Careers 🏆 | Scaling Elite Teams 🚀 on Earth 001 🌏 Mentoring | Branding | Web3 / AI / Tech StartUps 🔥 | OSINT 🕵️‍♂️

🚀 ✨ Cosmos 👨🏻‍🚀

4nibhal 4nibhal
Self-taught cybersecurity researcher and cypherpunk.
Mr. Grade cgrade
Blockchain Architect & Content Strategist. Building secure, efficient dApps & empowering users with clear Web3 education.


Cassim Ahmed Attia cassimahmedattia
Cyber & Info. Data Sec. Pro., IT & Info. Sec. Mgmt. Consulting, Cloud Management, Information Management, DevOps and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

@alnafi @The-Intelligent-Thinker

luna haskell-monad

China Beijing

Grey Chen hao44le
Growth hacker

Purdue University West Lafayette

project-moon HASIB-AL-HASAN
Web3 citizen


Denis denmotors
Testnet, Web3, p2p, NFT