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Abhiuday Gupta aeswibon
A Software Developer with a knack for enhancing user interfaces and backend functions. I’m passionate about contributing to meaningful projects and thriving in


Rishi Yadav rishiyadav1923

Student Mathura, Uttar-Pradesh, India

Hernán Vignolo hvignolo87
Data & Analytics Engineer

@emilabs Buenos Aires, Argentina

Georvic Tur J0hnG4lt
A computer scientist who is interested in data science, big data, distributed systems, and scalability.


Duc Vo vovanduc
Software Developer

Việt Nam

Rohan der-ofenmeister
Founder, hacker @WitHubHQ


zǝʇɹoɔ oɓıɹpoɹ roicort
Data Scientist, self-taught fullstack and self-proclaimed artist @unknowableart Currently studying my masters in Artificial Intelligence at @unam

UNAM México

Serhii Dimchenko svdimchenko
Professional Software Engineer with strong Big Data | Data Analysis | Business Analysis skills

Prague, Czechia

Philippe Boyd philippeboyd
Full-Stack, DevOps & CloudOps specialized, Cybersecurity skilled Geek


Yordis Prieto yordis
Polyglot programmer, Focused on Event-Driven Architecture, and WASM

@straw-hat-team USA

MrPreet jsonpreet

@PinstaApp India

Software Engineer
Sarp AVCI sarpavci
Sr. Software Developer


Sam Gaw samgaw

@SupermethodHQ Belfast

Liam Brenner LiamBrenner
Senior Software Engineer @dc-engineering

@dc-engineering Newcastle, NSW

Walid walkoss
Data Engineer @ Beamy

Beamy Paris

Maxwell Mapako wax911
Lover of all things technology related, a healthy curious mind and happy personality

@ClearScore / @AniTrend / Freelancer South Africa

Aditya Rachman Putra banditelol
Striving to better understand data, currently immersing myself in learning NLP and Data Analysis

Freelance Bandung, Indonesia

keving khgouldy
Data Engineering / Platform / Analytics @shiftsmartinc | @tactivos | @FourKites

@shiftsmartinc chicago

Tasos Katsoulas tkatsoulas
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast! Α philosopher once said; "do stuff" :P
Reza Qorbani qorbani
I love to solve business problems with a focus on Technology, Scalability, and UX!

@01Gravity California - USA

zeebrow Zeebrow
Hobbyist coder
John Kennedy JohnKennedyOSS
Building product that engineers love to use. UK

Muhammad Elgendi Muhammad-Elgendi
Someone who love building stuff for the web.

Monufia, Egypt

lidashuang defp
hello world

NoCode hangzhou

Maarten van Vliet maartenvanvliet

Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Hao snowsky
Engineers / Father / Love to learn interesting stuff!


Arunima Chaudhuri tinniaru3005
Freelancer @Status | Ex - Intern @Status | LFX Mentee & Mentor @hyperledger | MLH Fellow @Solana Labs | LiFT Scholar | M.Tech CSE '25 at NITW

Status Kolkata