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Lorenzo Lamberti LorenzoLamberti94
PhD student in Electronic Engineering and AI @ University of Bologna. Topics: Nano-Drones, Autonomous navigation, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Software

ETH Zurich, USI-SUPSI IDSIA Switzerland

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Vertax Vertax42

YJH Tech Co, Ltd. NJUST

gaojd JerryGao-12138
Shijie Lin eleboss
To code or not to code?

The University of Hong Kong

Gokul B. Nair gokulbnr
PhD Candidate at QUT @qcr @QVPR | Ex-Robotics Engineer at Addverb Tech. and Cluterbot Inc.

QUT Centre for Robotics Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Doha Benjelloun dobeNJ
I'm an computer vision and artificial intelligence student , interested in embedded systems, IoT, and data engineering.
Knorrrr knorrrr

Gifu University

YE Ke 叶柯 YipKo
Thoughts, stories and ideas.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Noob Liu EpicWatermelon
Rubbish Code Producer

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Qin Xinyue place-bo
Nobody known @ SITP, CAS Research Interests: EVS, Analog/mixed-signal VLSI design, AI for Science

Shanghai Inst. of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SITP,CAS). Shanghai

József Lurvig LathDevers

@ubi-coro Bielefeld, Germany

Daniel Regner dregner
MSc Control and Automation Engineer

Florianópolis - Brasil

PC PeterCalifano
PhD student in Aerospace Engineering - DARTLab, Politecnico di Milano, intersecting SLAM, Computer Vision, spacecraft navigation and ML =D

Politecnico di Milano - DART Lab Milan, Italy

Andrew Brahim dirksavage88
Software Engineer @AscendEngineering 🦾 Areas of interest are Embedded systems, RTOS, hardware acceleration, robotic perception.

Savage Robots

Thijs Willems thijswillems97
PhD researcher at Mecha(tro)nic System Dynamics Research Group (KU Leuven LMSD)

KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium



James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Jihed Dachraoui jiheddachraoui
Research And Development Engineer | Autonomous Driving and Robotics