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Hitoshi Manabe mana-ysh

LegalOn Technologies, Inc. Japan

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Ian Zhang IanBoyanZhang
Learning to design chips
Rising Sines RisingSines
breaks, crates, and plates, with occasional shapes. I like to DJ
Keron Lewis Keron-Dev
#!/usr/bin/env python3 >>> :octocat:

@KeronDev Christmas Island

Ankit Shah ankitshah009
Ph.D. student at LTI CMU. Previous: Research Intern at Google Research Intern at MERL Deep learning Scientist at ReviveMed ARM Technology Enthusiast


Rushi Lunagariya Rushi7667
Data Science Enthusiast...

New York

Robb Beal cgrobb
Apple Design Award-Winning Product Design Leader
Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

m0ham3dx m0ham3dx

JungSu Kim zzragida

NHN 대한민국

dgo2dance dgo2dance
code && art && product && business
Samuel Ojietohamen seekersoftec
Software Engineer -> Deep Reinforcement Learning || Interested in Bitcoin, Data Compression, and Cyber Sec.

seekersoftec Earth

Xin Chen outformatics

outformatics Seattle

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Francisco Maria Calisto FMCalisto
Human-Computer Interaction enthusiast working as Researcher & Software Engineer. Supporting Medical Imaging with Health Informatics research.

Institute for Systems and Robotics Portugal

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Alex Cabrera cabreraalex
PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Adam Perer adamperer
Faculty at Carnegie Mellon University (@cmudig)

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

Erica Fu erica-w-fu
Information Systems and HCI @ Carnegie Mellon