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magazinkrisso 13inccc

[email protected] sofia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Gabriel de Oliveira Leme gabrielleme00

@Luizalabs | @netshoes Jundiaí, SP - Brasil

likai likaisun

123 shanghai

Matthew Bishop bishopmatthew
Android engineer at the bird app. Currently Experiencing A Significant Gravitas Shortfall.

Salt Lake City, UT

% mattcarrjr
Animator and musician, interested in the intersection of art and technology. Interested in how coding can transform the art making process. Constant student.

Modulo Creative Fairfield CT

Andres Hincapie andreshincapier
A passionate Software developer 🧑🏻‍💻 trying to leave a good legacy on earth 🌎

Adelaide, SA

Steve Simkins stevedylandev
DX Engineer | Head of Developer Relations @ Pinata | Technical Writer

Pinata Tennessee

Alexandre Rancati-Palmer alrapal
Junior Software Engineer - Expert in gender equality, specialisation education and STEM

Afry Göteborg, Sweden

Paulo Oliveira pvoliveira
I love family, coffee ☕, and learn about new technologies

Braga, Portugal

Henry Skorpe Sjøen SjoenH

@miles-no Stavanger, Norway

Jakub A. G. olorin37

@nokia Wrocław, Poland

Gabe De Luca gabeio
Senior/Lead Production Engineer. My opinions are my own.

Remote (only)

Dario diegodario88
Ambitious apprentice; Linux lover.

Home Maringá, Paraná, Brasil

Yana/Yannic Haupenthal tohn

@CPS-IT Bernau bei Berlin

Lucca Huguet luccahuguet
Building Yazelix. Loves programming, great engineering and innovative companies changing the world

Elfotec Brasília, Brasil

Jose Storopoli storopoli
"Cypherpunks write code" 🔑 0x1BD38BE8D0653A7A

@AlpenLabs localhost

The Vagabond Programmer ™ joebutler2
Lead Software Engineer and Coach. Founder of The Vagabond Programmer ™. Former Staff Software Engineer @ Pivotal. Previously @ LivingSocial.

The Vagabond Programmer ™ Austin TX

Julio Isaías julioisaias
Software Engineer


Osmodium Osmodium

N/A Copenhagen, Denmark

Lucas Löffel loeffel-io

@mindful-hq Berlin, Germany

Jess Yu jessjyu
Computational Neuraldynamics PhD student at Imperial College London
Tom McKeesick tmck-code
I love coding, in all its forms. I code professionally and for fun.

@lexerdev Australia

Taylor Merwin TaylorMerwin

@dev10-program Tacoma, Washington

Preston prestonsn
Engineer @Syndica CS & Math @UTAustin Austin TX

Andrew Bednoff andrcmdr
Software Developer (Rust), DevOps engineer, FLOSS & GNU/Linux adept, Gentoo/Void/Debian/Arch enthusiast, Bash/Julia/Python/Ruby scripting, working remotely

FLOSS, CloudMesh, OpenMesh, CodEx far Future, another Universe