{{ data.heroText || $title || 'Hello' }}
- -{{ data.tagline || $description || 'Welcome to your VuePress site' }}
- -
{{ feature.title }}
-{{ feature.details }}
-{{ data.tagline || $description || 'Welcome to your VuePress site' }}
- -
{{ feature.details }}
-{{ getMsg() }}-
- {{ path }}.
- {{ signature }}
(delegator=None, validator=None)
- {{ this.default }}
- {{to}}
- {{to}}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/theme/osmosis-components/ToggleDarkModeOld.vue b/docs/.vuepress/theme/osmosis-components/ToggleDarkModeOld.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 484d23924cf..00000000000
--- a/docs/.vuepress/theme/osmosis-components/ToggleDarkModeOld.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/docs/.vuepress/theme/osmosis-components/TypeDesc.vue b/docs/.vuepress/theme/osmosis-components/TypeDesc.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 23fd8a9da02..00000000000
--- a/docs/.vuepress/theme/osmosis-components/TypeDesc.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- - | min_deposit |
-max_deposit_period |
-voting_period |
Type | -array (coins) | -string (time ns) | -string (time ns) |
Higher | -Larger window for calculating the downtime | -More time to solicit funds to reach min_deposit |
-Longer voting period |
Lower | -Smaller window for calculating the downtime | -Less time to solicit funds to reach min_deposit |
-Shorter voting period |
Constraints | -Value has to be a positive integer | -Value has to be positive | -Value has to be positive |
Current configuration | -500000000 (500 OSMO) | 1209600000000000 (2 weeks) | 259200000000000 (3 days) |
- | quorum |
-threshold |
-veto |
Type | -string (dec) | -string (dec) | -string (dec) |
Higher | -Easier for a proposal to be passed | -Easier for a proposal to be passed | -Easier for a proposal to be passed |
Lower | -Harder for a proposal to be passed | -Harder for a proposal to be passed | -Harder for a proposal to be passed |
Constraints | -Value has to be less or equal to 1 |
-Value has to be less or equal to 1 |
-Value has to be less or equal to 1 |
Current configuration | -0.2 (20%) |
-0.5 (50%) |
-0.334 (33.4%) |
- | mint_denom |
-epoch_provisions |
-epoch_identifier |
Type | -string | -string (dec) | -string |
Higher | -N/A | -Higher inflation rate | -Increases time to reduction_period |
Lower | -N/A | -Lower inflation rate | -Decreases time to reduction_period |
Constraints | -N/A | -Value has to be a positive integer | -String must be day , week , month , or year |
Current configuration | -uosmo |
-821917808219.178 (821,9178 OSMO) |
-day |
- | reduction_period_in_epochs |
-reduction_factor |
-staking |
Type | -string | -string (dec) | -string (dec) |
Higher | -Longer period of time until reduction_factor implemented |
-Reduces time until maximum supply is reached | -More epoch provisions go to staking rewards than other categories |
Lower | -Shorter period of time until reduction_factor implemented |
-Increases time until maximum supply is reached | -Less epoch provisions go to staking rewards than other categories |
Constraints | -Value has to be a whole number greater than or equal to 1 |
-Value has to be less or equal to 1 |
-Value has to be less or equal to 1 and all distribution categories combined must equal 1 |
Current configuration | -365 (epochs) |
-0.666666666666666666 (66.66%) |
-0.250000000000000000 (25%) |
- | pool_incentives |
-developer_rewards |
-community_pool |
Type | -string (dec) | -string (dec) | -string (dec) |
Higher | -More epoch provisions go to pool incentives than other categories | -More epoch provisions go to developer rewards than other categories | -More epoch provisions go to community pool than other categories |
Lower | -Less epoch provisions go to pool incentives than other categories | -Less epoch provisions go to developer rewards than other categories | -Less epoch provisions go to community pool than other categories |
Constraints | -Value has to be less or equal to 1 and all distribution categories combined must equal 1 |
-Value has to be less or equal to 1 and all distribution categories combined must equal 1 |
-Value has to be less or equal to 1 and all distribution categories combined must equal 1 |
Current configuration | -0.450000000000000000 (45%) |
-0.250000000000000000 (25%) |
-0.050000000000000000 (5%) |