- MsSQL and MySQL: Removed computed column from Create parameters list (insert clause)
- MySQL procedure calls fixed
- Error handling and dll loading improvements
- DatabaseProviderTypes.MSSQLSERVER_DYNAMIC to support Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.dll
- Improved SQLServer Udt parameters
- Caching relaxed for easier development
- Caching and reference assembly loading improvements
- Reference assembly loading improvements
- Caching relaxed for easier development
- Caching improvements
- Possibility to group full entities over multiple keys
- Fixed issue on multiple different same column group-by calculations
- Design Time Command methods to properties for easier usability.
- Fix for insert and update of SQLServer spatial data types #157
- Moved SaveContextSchema under Design Time Commands -property
- Added ClearDatabaseSchemaCache under Design Time Commands -property
- Initial support to query SQLServer spatial types: geometry, geography, hierarchyid
- Non-async query aggregates: Seq.sumQuery, Seq.maxQuery, ...
- Supported Group-by key-column count increased
- MS Access in .NET Core dll deployment
- Fix for MS Access in .NET Core
- Fix for regression of fixing the async stored procedure exception handling, #667
- Fix for async stored procedure exception handling, #667
- MS Access provider included in .NET Core
- .NET Core package references updated, e.g. System.Data.SqlClient
- TypeProvider SDK-update: Perf by caching improvements
- More alias query generation fixes
- Fix for #652, alias generation
- Better filter support to group-by join over 2 or 3 tables
- Possibility to join 2 or 3 tables to group-by PR #650
- Better let and into -keyword handling PR #648
- Fixed where-before-join -query
- Param naming fix, part 2
- Query-translation fixes #634
- Initial exist-sub-query support, PR #603
- Param naming fix, PR #632
- Math.pow operator
- Typo fix, PR #627
- Left join parameter aliases underscore fix
- Views for SQLite, PR #618
- Fix for multiple outer joins #614
- .NET Core editor fix, PR #611
- Reverted .NET Standard library to fix stackoverflow issue
- Experimental ProvidedTypes.fs to fix .NET Standard stackoverflow issue
- Provided types update
- .NET Standard ODBC support
- SQL Server scalar function return parameter fix, #598
- More asynchronous queries, fix #519
- SQLite support for views #591
- Left join with op_bangbang to non-fk columns #588
- FIPS compliance #586
- Fix old SQL server paging, #581
- Multiple similar sub-queries: parameter name generation fix
- Alias resolving fixed on async aggregate operations in multi-table queries
- No limitation of 7 joins, fixes #190
- Corrected use of concurrent dictionary in MS-SQL ServerVersion
- TypeProvider SDK update
- Context schema path fix PR #560
- MsSql: Add brackets around the OUTPUT column name of the INSERT command PR #567
- ContextSchemaCache to support stored procedures #PR 566
- Ordering fixed on async sproc resultset
- Firebird provider fix PR #562
- Fix for SQL Server sproc output parameters PR #564
- More asynchronous sprocs execution
- CloneTo to attach entities to contexts, #561
- Paging support for SQL Server 2008, PR #558
- Upsert, PR #557
- Extend SQLEntity.MapTo to allow mapping when field names are different than column names, PR #556
- Comparison being flipped around when a constant comes first #553
- Context schema cache support PR #545
- Improved option type support in convertTypes. PR #544
- Fixed broken overload of Create-method #545
- Oracle: Added support for TIMESTAMP with precision specification.
- Generate Create method params: nullable / default values / identity columns
- Fixed incorrect table alias on canonical join issue #533
- Reverted some component updateds to address build issue and .Net standard issue
- Fix to allow async procedure calls without return values #535
- Allow specifying multiple schemas for PostgreSQL / MySql, PR #530
- Group-by key canonical operation support
- Crossjoin support for recent LINQ-trees
- Reference component updates
- Add ConnectionStringHash property to SqlEventData PR #524
- distinct count support
- selectOperations parameter to enable running canonical operations on select clause, PR #518
- Access Date cast fix
- ToString() as canonical operation
- Case-clause alias resolution fix
- Canonical operations chaining type-checking fixed
- initial case-when-else support on where-clauses, PR #515
- mapping SQL server time to TimeSpan, PR #517
- fixed canonical operations when constant is before column
- Oracle fix insert rows into table without primary key #514
- Postgres ltree mapping PR #510
- Single table group-by over a constant value PR #511
- More aggregate functions: StdDev, Variance
- More canonical math functions: Sqrt, Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos, ATan, Math.Max and Math.Min
- Firebird fixes for numeric columns and column descriptions, PR #508
- More dynamic naming for nested parameters
- Support for parameters in union queries #505
- Support for string notlike-operations with LINQ syntax: not(x.StartsWith("..."))
- Updated the Type Provider SDK
- Fix base alias in Firebird Provider PR #503
- Fix for Postgres "Invalid procedure" #482
- Fix for Postgres arrays on Mono
- Fix for LINQ where(not(xs.Contains(subquery)))
- Support for box-operator in null-checks to make easier checking of inner-join nulls.
- Option type fix for Like-search
- Option type fix for exactlyOneOrDefault. PR #491
- Initial support for cross joins. PR #489
- Option type exactlyOneOrDefault fix PR #484
- Oracle join columns fix PR #455
- Oracle column name resolution PR #480
- Procedure name overload fix PR #476
- Allow option type return in where-lambda. #478
- Previous type provider SDK returned #472 #470 #468 #466 #465
- More info to tooltips.
- Procedure result fix.
- Excluded FSharp.Core dll from package #465
- Initial support for MySqlConnector driver
- Latest type provider SDK
- Canonical operations support for aggregation operators (SUM/AVG/MIN/MAX) in single table #459
- Latest type provider SDK
- More flexibility to type casting on basic math canonical operations
- Initial version of .NET Standard 2.0 / .NET Coreapp 2.0 support
- Breaking change: The original dll path is now under net451 folder.
- SQLite: Performance improvements. Option to use Microsoft.Data.SQLite
- MySql: Support for MySQL.Data.dll v6.10-rc3 and v8.0.9dmr (but 6.9.9 stable still recommended)
- Reference component assembly loading and error messages improved.
- Firebird quotes fix PR #453
- Access to command timeout #447
- Support Postgres arrays #450
- Breaking change for MYSQL/MariaDB: Unsigned types mapping fixed #437
- Fix for MSSQL tables with no-values insert #440
- Canonical operation AddMinutes supports now other sql-columns as parameter.
- String to datetime parsing with DateTime.Parse in SQL will convert the types if ok for db.
- Fixed (sortBy desc + skip + take) combination #432
- ConnectionStringName when not running from application folder #428
- sortBy Key support to groupBy #429
- Fix for issue when Oracle a sproc returns a cursor with an actual type
- FSharp.Data.Sql.Common.QueryEvents.SqlQueryEvent has now better structure
- Async stored procedure execution support (InvokeAsync)
- PostgreSQL 3.2 support (when System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions.dll near)
- Mysql: more efficient schema queries, PR #415
- Firebird: Stored Procedures, PR #414
- Support for Mono 5 #413
- Support for Firebird SQL Server
- Sort-by casts to IComparable fix #407
- Oracle Length and Trim fix #408
- Column <> null fix
- Support canonical functions: Convert some basic .NET-functions to SQL.
- Support delete from -query to delete many items with a single clause.
- Oracle connection leak fix #397
- Oracle Delete causes ORA-00932 fix #394
- Misc minor fixes for MS-Access
- Group-by fixed over empty result groups
- Initial support for 2 column key on group-by
- Oracle comments fix
- Fixed: Support for group-by where condition outside group-by operation
- Database table and column descriptions to editor tooltips. #385
- ODBC fixes.
- Support for updating records on MySQL before 5.5 #384
- Fix for #380, where-conditions on joined tables with itm.x > itm.y
- More async operations.
- GetDataContext overload for passing in the TransactionOptions instance
- On where-clauses plain SQL-columns can be now on both sides of operations
- Added Array.executeQueryAsync and List.executeQueryAsync
- SQLite spacing fix #371
- Cast fixes #370
- Oracle update fix. #367
- Breaking change for number-columns: naming fixed. #355
- One table one key-column GROUP-BY support. #358
- HasColumn(niceName) method for entities
- UNION queries
- Support Space in MSSQL inserts
- Support Space in MySQL table names #347
- TableNames parameter for MSSQL
- Fix Access unknown error #340
Support views in Oracle table list
- Fix for SQL CRUD operations, #338
- Fix for contains search
- Fix for primary key discovery on oracle #331
- SQLite text-format date comparison fix #328
- Odbc quote characters option #327
- Where-clause optimization and fix
- Oracle performance improvements
- Postgre nullable insert fix
- SQL generation improvements
- MsAccess fix
- Support for composite (multi-key-column) table joins
- Support for let-keywords
- Configuration error info improvements
- Added SourceLink (for debugging possibility).
- CRUD support for composite key tables
- Fixed functionality with some specially named tables and columns
- Fixed exception on queries where are multiple times "take 1"
- Fixed delete on ProcessUpdatesAsync
- Async query sort order fix on ordered query
- query: where (myTable.MyBoolean) -support
- MsSql Mono DateTime fix
- Nested IN-queries
- More query operators
- Oracle large table count support
- Simple Linq contains query
- Fixed SQLite IN-queries (had problem with all the parameters being param1)
- Added ys.Contains(x) to create IN-clause as well as |=|
- Some concurrency fixes (#282)
- Fix for #279
- Byte array to Blob fixes for SQLite and MySQL
- Some performance fixes.
- Odbc fixed (on some level).
- SQLite fix for reserved keywords table names.
- MsSql IN with empty collection
- Added Linq Any support (contains)
- Concurrency fix for SubmitUpdates()
- Fixed possibility to call SubmitUpdates many times after delete.
- .PossibleError property to notify schema or database name (Owner)
- Fixed select string concat, e.g: Select (person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName)
- minBy and maxBy for DateTime fields
- Fixed operating table with no primary key
- Better error reporting
- SQLite skip fix
- sumBy, maxBy, minBy, averageBy
- More async operations: Seq.lengthAsync, Seq.headAsync, Seq.tryHeadAsync
- PostgreSQL types, Npgsql 2 and 3. (PR #261)
- Improved option type usage in join and where clauses (PR #260)
- Fixed: Insert did return object as id, not the id wanted.
- Many community bug-fixes and PRs
- Documentation improvements
- Async operations (PR #257)
- CRUD in Access (PR #211)
- Better error handling (PR #233)
- Better thread synchronisation (PR #222)
- General bug fixes
- V1 release
- Type provider generates nicer table names, relationships and sprocs
- Added static parameter to control case senstivity when generating queries (PR #143)
- Fixed relative paths for SQL lite
- Fixed differences in path between mono and .net for sql lite
- Added ability to use a connection string referenced in app or web config
- Stored procedures are now lazily generated
- Improved Postgre Type mappings (PR #127)
- Documentation improvements (PR #137, PR #148, PR #150)
- Fixes a regression that prevented UPPER on SqlServer (PR #149)
- Fixes for the LINQ expression converter (PR #131)
- Fixed a regression when building oracle relationships (PR # 126)
- Fixes Postgres Type mapping issues (PR #117)
- Fixes command already disposed exception (PR #124)
- Fixes type mapping issues in Access provider (PR #122)
- Fixes issues with optional tyepd properties (Issue #119, PR #116)
- Converted project to use paket and latest project scaffold. (PR #113)
- Added a function to retrieve the primary key for the table. (PR #105)
- Fix for SQLite not releasing DB file (Issue #99, PR #100)
- Support for stored procedures on DB's that support them (PR #83)
- Support for SQLite on Mono (PR #81)
- Fixing a bug with writing tinyints in SQL Server
- Fixes to MySQL array parameters
- You can now use any sequence with the in and not in operators, as opposed to just new array expressions
- Fix in PostgreSQL to allow the creation of entities with no set properties
- Fixes an important bug that was causing all columns to be selected
- ODBC support added
- CRUD operations added
- Tons of fixes and tweaks
- MS Access support added!
- Various fixes for SQLite and Oracle
- Added support for head / First()
- Oracle support added!
- Various minor fixes
- MySQL support added!
- SQLite would only work if all tables had at least one FK constraint - fixed
- Various option type fixes
- GraphViz script to help visualize LINQ trees when debugging
- PostgreSQL support
- Option Types for nullable columns
- Various tweaks and cleanup
- Count() support in queries
- Initial release of Sqlprovider