A zero latency, easy-to-use full-text rss terminal reader.
- Read the full article content from the terminal
- Easy to use: ←↓↑→ arrow keys (or hjkl) is all you need to use its main features. Up/Dow to browse through articles, Left/Right to scroll the article content.
- Fast: it will prefetch adjacent articles - so every action is instant.
- By default it will load the BBC, but you can change the source by passing
-rss <your_rss_or_atom_feed>
- One single UI for both article listing and article content.
- If for some reason you need to open the article on a browser simply press ENTER.
- q to quit, other optinal shortcuts put in ( ) on the title to jump directly to the article
- Trackpad scrolling will list through articles (thanks to the great rivo/tview library)
- UPCOMING: Perhaps support non-rss news outlets like CNN, etc.

brew tap piqoni/cast-text
brew install cast-text
Download binaries for your OS at release page, and chmod +x the file to allow execution.
If you use GO, you can install it directly:
go install github.com/piqoni/cast-text@latest
If you want to read BBC just run the binary without any arguments. If you want to read something else pass its rss address to -rss parameter. For example to read http://lobste.rs start it by running:
cast-text -rss https://lobste.rs/rss
You can perhaps put an alias (export alias lobster=cast-text -rss https://lobste.rs/rss) so now you have a "lobster" reader shorthand: