This a guide to be followed for widgetizing. Each section below is something we need to consider while crafting widgets.
- Widget Name
- Widget Id
- Update Set
- Sass Variables
- Includes
- Folder and File Naming Conventions
- Folder Structure
- Style Guide
- Internationalization
All widget names should start with the prefix PE. This will make searching for widgets easy and provide a unique namespace for our custom widgets.
Widget and page ids need to be unique in an instance. We need to be careful when naming the id to avoid collisions when: widget or page is being loaded into an instance, while committing an update set or when an upgrade or plugin is applied.
Thus we need to keep these points in mind.
- Every widget must have an id
- Ids should be hyphenated alphanumeric strings (i.e. no spaces, no special characters)
- Widget ids should start with the prefix pe-
Example: pe-approval-card
Please make sure you capture widget related updates correctly. Update sets should start with prefix pe- and end with update-set. For example, pe-approval-card-update-set.u-update-set.xml. Make sure you don't capture widget instance related records or grid related records like: row, column etc. Keep the update set clean and capture only widget related items.
All Sass variables created for this project will start with the prefix $pe-. You can add variables at the theme level and the widget level. While adding variables at the widget level, make sure to use the !default keyword. This will let us override variables at the theme level and make the widget self-contained.
For example, at theme level:
$pe-brand-success: #5cb85c;
And at the widget level:
$pe-brand-success: #5cb85c !default;
Even the includes with standard FWs should be renamed with the prefix pe-. This will help to avoid duplication errors during the update set import on existing instances.
For instance, highcharts-ng
should be renamed to pe-highcharts-ng
Widget record fields should go inside the widget folder. Fields must be named as follows.
* HTML => <widget-name>.u-body-html-template.html
* Client Controller => <widget-name>.u-client-script.js
* Server Script => <widget-name>.u-server-script.js
* CSS => <widget-name>.u-css.scss
* Option Schema => <widget-name>.u-option-schema.json
UI scripts should go inside a folder called ui-script, all UI scripts should be named as follows.
Some examples of purpose would be: service, factory, module.
If it's a JS library file, which users don't need to edit for example: "highcart-ng", emit this u-client-script part in the name. This will make sure we don't pull huge library files from ServiceNow.
Style sheets should go inside a folder called style-sheet, all style sheets should be named as follows.
If it's a CSS library file, which users don't need to edit for example: animate.css, emit this u-css part in the name. This will make sure we don't pull huge library files from ServiceNow.
AngularJS providers should go inside a folder called angular-provider, all providers should be named as follows.
AngularJS templates should go inside a folder called angular-template, all templates should be named as follows.
The solution config file must be named as follows.
Script includes should go inside a folder called script-include, all these scripts should be named as follows.
Update sets must be named as follows.
Unit tests should go inside a test folder and be named as follows.
│ └──pe-timeline.provider.u-client-script.js
│ └──pe-timeline.svg.u-body-html-template.html
│ └──pe-timeline.png
│ └──pe-timeline.helper.u-server-script.js
│ └──pe-timeline.animate.css
│ └──pe-timeline.client.spec.js
│ └──pe-timeline.service.spec.js
│ └──pe-events.service.u-client-script.js
│ └──pe-events.module.u-client-script.js
│ └──pe-timeline.u-body-html-template.html
│ └──pe-timeline.u-client-script.js
│ └──pe-timeline.u-css.scss
│ └──pe-timeline.u-option-schema.json
│ └──pe-timeline.u-server-script.js
All contributors to the widget library should strive to follow the Service Portal: AngularJS Style Guide and adhere to the EditorConfig and ESLint rules.
All widgets should support Internationalization, so that they can be translated into other languages for non-English speaking markets.