All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix AMP compatiblity for Standard and Transitional mode (#181) (#182)
- JavaScript is no longer embedded if request is served by AMP (#181) (#182)
- Fix date offset in dashboard widget in WP 5.3+ environments with mixed timezones (#167)
- Allow to deactivate the nonce check during JavaScript tracking (#168)
- Add support for "disallowed_keys" option instead of "blacklist_keys" in WordPress 5.5 (#174)
- Add refresh button in the dashboard, increase caching time (#157)
- Prevent JavaScript tracking from raising 400 for logged-in users, if tracking is disabled (#159)
- Use
instead of header and exit for AJAX requests (#160) - Fix 1 day offset between display range and number of days evaluated in top lists (#162)
- Fix refresh of the dashboard widget when settings have been changed through the settings page (#147)
- Fix Cachify cache not being flushed after changing JavaScript settings (#152)
- Fix date inconsistency for number of total visits (#150)
- Extend user agent filter for bot detection (#149) (#151)
- Update tooltip library (containing a bugfix in IE 11) (#156)
- Fix JavaScript embedding when bots visit before caching (#84) (#86)
- Fix offset in visitor reporting due to different timezones between PHP and database (#117, props @sophiehuiberts)
- Fix untranslatable support link (#122) (#126, props @arkonisus)
- Add separate settings page and reduced widget backview to widget settings only (#111)
- Add options to track logged in users (#103) (#111)
- Add option to show total visits (#134, props @yurihs)
- Refactored JavaScript tracking to use WP AJAX (#109) (#142)
- Introduced new option to separate display from storage range (#72)
- Automatically add AMP analytics trigger if official AMP PlugIn is installed (#110) (#116, props @tthemann)
- Dashboard widget is now scrollable with dynamic point radius to keep long-term statistics readable (#71) (#101, props @manumeter)
- Improved bot detection (#112) (#125, props @mahype)
- Updated Chartist JS library for dashboard widget (#132)
- Skip tracking for favicon.ico redirects (since WP 5.4) (#144)
- Tested up to WordPress 5.4
- Fix compatibility issue with some PHP implementations not populating
- Fix failing blacklist check for empty referrers
- JS snippet call properly breaks page generation when tracking is skipped
- Fix compatibility issues with JavaScript optimization plugins
- Fix tracking issue if JavaScript tracking is disabled
- Scaled datapoint size to number of records in dashboard widget to improve legibility
- Fix display of larger numbers in the y-axis
- Added JS source maps to avoid warnings with developer tools
- Move JS snippet to separate file
- Add JS snippet to output even if tracking is skipped to avoid caching problems
- Improve code style
- Enable nonce-verification in dashboard widget to prevent CSRF
- Added hook statify__visit_saved which is fired after a visit was stored in the database.
- Migrated dashboard chart to Chartist.
- Fixed JavaScript tracking not working in some environment which have X-Content-Type: nosniff environment enabled.
- Replace javascript library to fixed several problems. #52
- Switched to minimal WordPress version 4.7, removed fallback code not needed anymore
- Bugfix: Consider filter for skipping tracking correctly if JavaScript tracking is disabled.
- Bugfix: PHP Notice for empty blacklist value.
- Switched to minimal PHP version 5.3
- Added more flexible settings for period of data saving and the number of entries shown in top lists
- Added validation of form data before saving settings
- Moved all documentation to
- Added optional referrer spam protection (can be activated via the Statify settings).
- Improved conformance to the WordPress coding guidelines
- Bugfix for multi-site installations: Don't track network admin url.
- Changed hook name
- Corrected tracking and display in Multisite
- Minor CSS fixes in the dashboard widget
- Removed deprecated links and updated URLs for donate and wiki links
- Administrative updates to plugin header and README
- Updated plugin authors
- Replace
calls withisset($_SERVER[])
- Renew the tracking mechanism
- WordPress 4.2 support
- Plugin-wide code refactoring
- Translations for English and Russian
- GitHub Repository
- Sourcecode optimization for plugin-finalization
- JavaScript-Snippet: Relative Path for HTTP(S)-calls
- Support for WordPress 3.9
- Correction of dashboard links (if WordPress is in subfolder)
- Optimization for WordPress 3.8
- Control of tracking via
- Migration of chart-software
- Compatibility to WordPress 3.6
- Additional protection of PHP classes against direct access
- Replacement for Deprecated User Levels
- No-Cache and No-Content Header for optional Count JavaScript
- Additional periods (up to one year) for statistics
- WordPress 3.4 as requirement
- Specially for Chrome Browser developed Statify App (discontinued)
- Fix for introduced XML-RPC-interface
- WordPress 3.5 Support
- Interface via XML-RPC
- Refactoring of Code Base
- Revision of Online Documentation
- Optional Tracking via JavaScript for Caching-Plugins
- WordPress 3.4 Support
- Official Plugin Website
- Uncompressed Version of Source Codes
- Xmas Edition
- Support für WordPress 3.3
- Display of Dashboard Widgets also for authors
- Direct Link to settings on dashboard
- Filtering der Targets/Referrer on the current date
- Replacement of Statistic Days
- Recolouring of Statistics Mark
- Ignoring XML-RPC-Requests
- Support for WordPress 3.2
- Support for WordPress Multisite
- Adjustment of redundant URL parameters of target pages
- Interaktive Statistics with further informations
- Fix: query for missing referrer in dashboard widget
- Statify goes online