diff --git a/docs/integrations/third-party-libraries.md b/docs/integrations/third-party-libraries.md index d099d718c8..3fd95c8647 100644 --- a/docs/integrations/third-party-libraries.md +++ b/docs/integrations/third-party-libraries.md @@ -37,10 +37,12 @@ This can be done using third-party libraries created by the community. - [zustand-middleware-xstate](https://github.com/biowaffeln/zustand-middleware-xstate) — A middleware for putting XState state machines into a global Zustand store. - [zustand-middleware-yjs](https://github.com/joebobmiles/zustand-middleware-yjs) — A middleware for synchronizing Zustand stores with Yjs. - [zustand-persist](https://github.com/roadmanfong/zustand-persist) — A middleware for persisting and rehydrating state. +- [zustand-pub](https://github.com/AwesomeDevin/zustand-pub) - Cross-Application/Cross-Framework State Management And Sharing based on zustand and zustand-vue for React/Vue. +- [zustand-querystring](https://github.com/nitedani/zustand-querystring) — A Zustand middleware that syncs the store with the querystring. +- [zustand-rx](https://github.com/patdx/zustand-rx) — A Zustand middleware enabling you to subscribe to a store as an RxJS Observable. - [zustand-saga](https://github.com/Nowsta/zustand-saga) — A Zustand middleware for redux-saga (minus redux). - [zustand-store-addons](https://github.com/Diablow/zustand-store-addons) — React state management addons for Zustand. +- [zustand-vue](https://github.com/AwesomeDevin/zustand-vue) - State management for vue (Vue3 / Vue2) based on zustand. - [zustand-yjs](https://github.com/tandem-pt/zustand-yjs) — Zustand stores for Yjs structures. - [zusteller](https://github.com/timkindberg/zusteller) — Your global state savior. "Just hooks" + Zustand. - [zustood](https://github.com/udecode/zustood) — 🐻‍❄️ A modular store factory using Zustand. -- [zustand-rx](https://github.com/patdx/zustand-rx) — A Zustand middleware enabling you to subscribe to a store as an RxJS Observable. -- [zustand-querystring](https://github.com/nitedani/zustand-querystring) — A Zustand middleware that syncs the store with the querystring.