v2.0.0 - 2025-03-07
- Drop support for node < v18.
v1.14.0 - 2024-12-09
- #10466 Added support for soap headers in request body
v1.13.1 - 2024-07-22
- Fixed TypeError occurring for files with non UTF-8 encoding while parsing.
v1.13.0 - 2024-07-10
- Updated postman-collection to v4.4.0.
v1.12.3 - 2024-06-20
- Updated direct access to constructor prototype props to class props to make sure minification with keepClass attributes doesn't affect conversion.
v1.12.2 - 2024-05-21
- Upgraded libxmljs2 to v0.32.0 to support the arm64 binaries.
v1.12.1 - 2024-02-15
- Downgraded libxmljs2 since latest version requires minimum node v18 and current package supports v16.
v1.12.0 - 2024-02-15
- Fixed issue where UserErrors were reported as conversion errors.
v1.11.0 - 2024-01-18
v1.10.0 - 2023-06-27
- #11768 Added support for element and attribute prefixes for qualified schema types and elements.
- Fixed issue where max stack size was reached while generating collection from certain WSDL definition.
v1.9.0 - 2023-05-04
- Assigned user errors for various handled errors and updated error messaging to be more actionable.
- Fixed issue where conversion was failing with TypeError in case tns namespace is not defined correctly.
v1.8.1 - 2023-04-17
- GitHub Actions for Release management.
- Bumped up minimum Node version to 12.
- Unit tests now run on Node versions 12, 16 and 18.
- Fixed an issue where conversion failed with typeeror while resolving non defined variables.
- Fixed an issue where circular references were not correctly identified while resolving elements.
- Fixed an issue where for multiple binding namespaces conversion was failing.
1.8.0 - 2023-03-30
- Fixed issue where conversion failed with RangeError: Maximum stack size reached when recursive elements were present.
- Fixed issue where conversion failed with typeeror with path.includes is not a function.
Newer releases follow the Keep a Changelog format.
- Improve performance by removing unnecessary deep copying of objects
- Upgrade libxmljs2 to support node 18
- Fixed issue #11267 - WSDL Definition without a portType defined fails to import correctly in Postman
- Fixed issue #11329 - Imported WSDL collection contains incorrect separator & URL is not decoded completely.
- Fixed issue where for certain definitions "Maximum stack limit reached" error was thrown.
- Fixed issue where for namespace defined twice corresponding bodies were not resolved correctly. postmanlabs/postman-app-support#11296
- Updated release scripts.
- Made remote ref resolution related options internal.
- Added an externally defined namespace (in root) used in the schema into the schema so the xsd2json process does not throw an error.
- Removed non required file from npm module from being published.
- Stable release
- Removed libxmljs from package.json