This release is a dummy package requiring pytest 5.0: this plugin has been integrated into pytest 5.0, so this plugin should no longer be required (#36).
Maintenance also has been moved to pytest core.
- The warning about fault-handler timeout not being supported in some platforms has been moved to the section header (#32).
- pytest 4.0+ is now required.
- Drop support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.3.
- Fix crash when using pytester in default mode with newer pytest versions (#24). Thanks @njsmith for the patch.
- Botched release, never published to PyPI.
- Now traceback dumping due to an interactive exception is raised (#14). Thanks to @flub for the request.
- Now traceback dumping due to a timeout is cancelled when entering
. Thanks to @The-Compiler for the request (#12).
option is now properly supported in Python 3+; also a warning is issued instead of an error on platforms without afaulthandler.dump_traceback_later
function (#8).
Release to ensure Python 3.5 compatibility and to provide wheels on PyPI again.
First 1.0 release.
Now properly closing the stream used by the fault handler, thanks to complete PR by @The-Compiler. Many thanks!
First public release