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File metadata and controls

94 lines (70 loc) · 5.67 KB

Setup instructions

Because the data is cascading from the form submission event down to the workflow, we need to setup the various configuration dependencies going upstream.
As a result, we will start by configuring the process first, and finish with the form's Apps Script.

Deploy the UiPath package

Open the UiPath Studio project inside the workflow folder (named InternetSubscription.)
Optionally, feel free to customize the processItem.xaml at will.
When done, publish the package to Orchestrator.

In Orchestrator:

  • define a Process using this Package
  • create a Queue named Subscriptions (consistently with the queue name used in the Main.xaml)
  • Create a Trigger of type Queue, and select the InternetSubscription Process the you defined, along with the Subscriptions queue you just created (you may fine tune the Max number of pending jobs and other parameters later)

How to setup an Unattended Robot is out of the scope of this project, so please refer to the UiPath documentation if need be.

If your Orchestrator instance is self hosted, then you will be able to define a user with the right permission (e.g. Queue Item creation.)
If you wish to use the UiPath Automation Cloud then you can refer to the following guide on how to configure API access for the next step.
In the following steps, we will assume the use of Automation Cloud.

In preparation of the next section, we want to get the API Access information as mentioned in the documentation above, more specifically:

  • User Key (also called a "refresh token", this is the secret key to your account, treat with extreme care)
  • Account Logical Name
  • Tenant Logical Name
  • Client Id

Next, you need to get the ID of the Orchestrator Folder where the Process and Queue are defined.
Log into your Orchestrator service, then access the following URL and get the relevant ID from the results:<AccountLogicalName>/<TenantLogicalName>/odata/Folders
Where you would replace the AccountLogicalName and TenantLogicalName with the values from the previous paragraph.
The FolderId is an Integer.

Deploy the Google Cloud Functions instance

In your Google Cloud project console, navigate to the Cloud Functions tab and click the CREATE FUNCTION button.

We will use the default trigger type which is HTTP.
Please note the URL as will need it in the next section (GCF_URL.)
We will not fiddle with GCP specific authentication mechanism, so check the Allow unauthenticated invocations option.

You may simply use the Inline editor, select the Node.js Runtime (8 or 10 should both be compatible,) and copy/paste the following:

The Function to execute must be set to IncomingFormSubmissionHandler

Expand the Environment variables, networking, timeouts and more section and add the following Environment variables (again, assuming the use of UiPath Automation Cloud):

  • USER_KEY: <the User Key mentioned in the section above>
  • ACCOUNT_LOGICAL_NAME: <the Account Logical Name mentioned in the section above>
  • TENANT_LOGICAL_NAME: <the Tenant Logical Name mentioned in the section above>
  • CLIENT_ID: <the Client Id mentioned in the section above>
  • FOLDER_ID: <the Folder ID mentioned in the section above>
  • QUEUE_NAME: Subscriptions
  • SIGNATURE_SECRET: <a custom, string type, secret key>

You will need to re-use the SIGNATURE_SECRET in the following step, as it will basically ensure the legitimacy of incoming data.
A decent key would be as random as possible and 64 character-long for example.

Now click the CREATE button so your function is deployed and ready.

Create your Google Form

This is where things become a bit more creative.
In my tests, I had a form with the following fields:

  • Email address ("Collect email addresses" configuration under "Settings/General")
  • First name (Short answer, Required)
  • Last name (Short answer, Required)
  • Address (Paragraph, Required)
  • Phone number (Short answer, Required)
  • Subscription type (Multiple choice, Required)
  • Desired setup date (Date)
  • Comments (Paragraph)

The sample workflow is assuming the presence of the Email address as the key submitter due to the form being configured with the setting "Collect email addresses", and the function enforcing the submitter be part of the payload. Please note that each item in the workflow will be represented as a basic type, so complex types (e.g. the results of a Checkboxes question) will be included in the resulting Queue Item as a string representation (JSON) of the response.

Once you are satisfied with the content of your form, you can open the top right menu and select <> Script editor to access the Apps Script editor.
In the file that is now being edited, you may copy paste the content of the script/ file.
Then click the File menu and open the Project Properties.
In the Script properties tab, you will define 2 values:


Click Save and you are almost there!

In the Edit menu, open Current Project's Triggers. Click Add Trigger then set the following entries:

  • "Which function to run": onFormSubmit
  • "Event type": On form submit

The rest should be left as default (deployment Head, and source Form)

Click Save (an OAuth popup will request the appropriate permissions) and you are finally ready to go!