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STAC API - Item Search



The STAC API - Item Search specification defines the STAC API - Item Search conformance class (, which provides the ability to search for STAC Item objects across collections. It retrieves a group of Item objects that match the provided parameters, wrapped in an ItemCollection (which is a valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection that contains STAC Item objects). Several core query parameters are defined by OGC API - Features, with a few additions specified in this document.

The Item Search endpoint intentionally defines only a limited group of operations. It is expected that most behavior will be defined in Extensions. These extensions can be composed by an implementer to cover only the set of functionality the implementer requires. For example, the query capability defined by Item Search is limited, and only adds cross-collection and spatial intersects query operators to the capabilities already defined by OAFeat. For example, the Query Extension and Filter Extension provide a more expressive set of operators.

Implementing GET /search is required, POST /search is optional, but recommended.

Link Relations

The STAC definition of Link does not require the type field, but it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that this field exists. If the target of a Link's type is unknown, type SHOULD be set to application/octet-stream or text/plain.

This conformance class also requires implementation of the link relations in the STAC API - Core conformance class.

The following Link relations are defined for the Landing Page (root).

rel href Media Type From Description
search /search application/geo+json STAC API - Item Search REQUIRED URI for the Search endpoint

This search link relation must have a type of application/geo+json. If no method attribute is specified, it is assumed to represent a GET request. If the server supports both GET and POST requests, two links should be included, one with a method of GET one with a method of POST.

Other links with relation search may be included that advertise other content types the server may respond with, but these other types are not part of the STAC API requirements.

The following Link relations are defined for the /search endpoint response.

rel href From Description
root / STAC API - Item Search REQUIRED The root URI


This conformance class also requires for the endpoints in the STAC API - Core conformance class to be implemented.

Endpoint Returns Media Type From Description
/search Item Collection application/geo+json STAC API - Item Search Search endpoint

Query Parameters and Fields

The following list of parameters is used to narrow search queries. They can all be represented as query string parameters in a GET request, or as JSON entity fields in a POST request. For filters that represent a set of values, query parameters must use comma-separated string values with no enclosing brackets ([ or ]) and no whitespace between values, and JSON entity attributes must use JSON Arrays.

Query Examples

GET /search?collections=landsat8,sentinel&bbox=-10.415,36.066,3.779,44.213&limit=200&datetime=2017-05-05T00:00:00Z
    "collections": ["landsat8","sentinel"],
    "bbox": [-10.415,36.066,3.779,44.213],
    "limit": 200,
    "datetime": "2017-05-05T00:00:00Z"

For more examples see

Query Parameter Table

The core parameters for STAC search are defined by OAFeat, and STAC adds a few parameters for convenience.

Parameter Type Source API Description
limit integer OAFeat The maximum number of results to return (page size).
bbox [number] OAFeat Requested bounding box.
datetime string OAFeat Single date+time, or a range ('/' separator), formatted to RFC 3339, section 5.6. Use double dots .. for open date ranges.
intersects GeoJSON Geometry STAC Searches items by performing intersection between their geometry and provided GeoJSON geometry. All GeoJSON geometry types must be supported.
ids [string] STAC Array of Item ids to return.
collections [string] STAC Array of one or more Collection IDs that each matching Item must be in.

See examples for some example requests.

limit The limit parameter follows the same semantics of the OAFeat Item resource limit parameter. The value is a suggestion to the server as to the maximum number of Item objects the client would prefer in the response. The server may return fewer Item objects, but must not return more. The OpenAPI specification defines the default and maximum values for this parameter. The base specifications define these with a default of 10 and a maximum of 10000, but implementers may choose other values to advertise through their service-desc endpoint. If the limit parameter value is greater than the advertised maximum limit, the server must act as if the request were for the maximum and not return an error.

datetime The datetime parameter use the same allowed values as the OAF datetime parameter. This allows for either a single RFC 3339 datetime or an open or closed interval that also uses RFC 3339 datetimes. Additional details about this parameter can be found in the Implementation Recommendations.

Only one of either intersects or bbox may be specified. If both are specified, a 400 Bad Request status code must be returned.

bbox Represented using either 2D or 3D geometries. The length of the array must be 2*n where n is the number of dimensions. The array contains all axes of the southwesterly most extent followed by all axes of the northeasterly most extent specified in Longitude/Latitude or Longitude/Latitude/Elevation based on WGS 84. When using 3D geometries, the elevation of the southwesterly most extent is the minimum elevation in meters and the elevation of the northeasterly most extent is the maximum. When filtering with a 3D bbox over Items with 2D geometries, it is assumed that the 2D geometries are at elevation 0. Degenerate bboxes that form a point or line must be supported.

intersects It is at the discretion of the implementation to reject semantically-invalid GeoJSON objects, e.g., a self-intersecting Polygon or a LineString with zero-length segments. These should result in a 400 Bad Request status code and a specific error message, rather than a 500 Server Error and generic or database-level error message.


The response to a request (GET or POST) to the search endpoint must always be an ItemCollection object - a valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection that consists entirely of STAC Item objects.


OGC API supports paging through hypermedia links and STAC follows the same pattern for the cross collection search. For GET requests, a link with rel type next is supplied. This link may contain any URL parameter that is necessary for the implementation to understand how to provide the next page of results, eg: page, next, token, etc. The parameter name is defined by the implementor and is not necessarily part of the API specification. For example:

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "features": [],
    "links": [
            "rel": "next",
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/geo+json"

            "rel": "prev",
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/geo+json"
            "rel": "root",
            "href": "",
            "type": "application/json"

The href may contain any arbitrary URL parameter:


Implementations may also add link relations prev, first, and last, though these are not required and may be infeasible to implement in some data stores.

Clients shall interpret the absence of a link with the relation type next as an indication that the response represents the last page of results.

OAFeat does not support POST requests for searches, however the STAC API spec does. Hypermedia links are not designed for anything other than GET requests, so providing a next link for a POST search request becomes problematic. STAC has decided to extend the Link object to support additional fields that provide hints to the client as to how it must execute a subsequent request for the next page of results.

The following fields have been added to the Link object specification for the API spec:

Parameter Type Description
method string The HTTP method of the request, usually GET or POST. Defaults to GET
headers object A dictionary of header values that must be included in the next request
body object A JSON object containing fields/values that must be included in the body of the next request
merge boolean If true, the headers/body fields in the next link must be merged into the original request and be sent combined in the next request. Defaults to false

The implementor has the freedom to decide exactly how to apply these extended fields for their particular pagination mechanism. The same freedom that exists for GET requests, where the actual URL parameter used to defined the next page of results is purely up to the implementor and not defined in the API spec, if the implementor decides to use headers, there are no specific or required header names defined in the specification. Implementors may use any names or fields of their choosing. Pagination can be provided solely through header values, solely through body values, or through some combination.

To avoid returning the entire original request body in a POST response which may be arbitrarily large, the merge property can be specified. This indicates that the client must send the same post body that it sent in the original request, but with the specified headers/body values merged in. This allows servers to indicate what needs to change to get to the next page without mirroring the entire query structure back to the client.

See the paging examples for additional insight.

HTTP Request Methods and Content Types

STAC APIs follow the modern web API practices of using HTTP Request Methods ("verbs") and the Content-Type header to drive behavior on resources ("nouns"). This section describes how these are used with the /search endpoint.


Required: STAC's cross-collection /search requires GET queries for all implementations, following OAFeat's precedent of making GET required (it only specifies GET so far).


Recommended STAC /search is strongly recommended to implement POST Content-Type: application/json, where the content body is a JSON object representing a query and filter, as defined in this document.

It is recommended that clients use POST for querying (if the STAC API supports it), especially when using the intersects query parameter, for two reasons:

  1. In practice, the allowed size for an HTTP GET request is significantly less than that allowed for a POST request, so if a large geometry is used in the query it may cause a GET request to fail.
  2. The parameters for a GET request must be escaped properly, making it more difficult to construct when using JSON parameters (such as intersect, as well as additional filters from the query extension).

STAC API extensions allow for more sophisticated searching, such as the ability to sort, select which fields you want returned, and searching on specific Item properties.


The other HTTP verbs are not supported in STAC Item Search. The Transaction Extension does implement them, for STAC and OAFeat implementations that want to enable writing and deleting items.

Example Landing Page for STAC API - Item Search

This JSON is what would be expected from an api that only implements STAC API - Item Search. In practice, most APIs will also implement other conformance classes, and those will be reflected in the links and conformsTo fields. A more typical Landing Page example is in the overview document.

    "stac_version": "1.0.0",
    "id": "example-stac",
    "title": "A simple STAC API Example",
    "description": "This Catalog aims to demonstrate the a simple landing page",
    "type": "Catalog",
    "conformsTo" : [
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "root",
            "type": "application/json",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-desc",
            "type": "application/vnd.oai.openapi+json;version=3.0",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "service-doc",
            "type": "text/html",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "search",
            "type": "application/geo+json",
            "href": "",
            "method": "GET"
            "rel": "search",
            "type": "application/geo+json",
            "href": "",
            "method": "POST"


STAC API Extensions can be found at