Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Invoice id assigned by Reepay | |
handle | str | Per account unique handle. Provided at on-demand invoice/charge creation or set to `inv-<invoice_number>` for automatically created subscription invoices | |
customer | str | Customer handle | |
subscription | str | Subscription handle, will be null for a one-time customer invoice | [optional] |
plan | str | Subscription plan handle for the plan used to automatically create the invoice or the case that an on-demand subscription invoice has been created that should include a plan order line | [optional] |
state | str | The invoice state one of the following: `created`, `pending`, `dunning`, `settled`, `cancelled`, `authorized`, `failed` | |
type | str | The type of invoice: `s` - subscription recurring, `so` - subscription one-time, `soi` - subscription one-time instant, `co` - customer one-time, `ch` - charge | |
amount | int | The invoice amount including VAT | |
number | int | Sequential invoice number | |
currency | str | Currency for the account in ISO 4217 three letter alpha code | |
due | datetime | When is the invoice due, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | |
failed | datetime | When the invoice failed, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
settled | datetime | When the invoice settled, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
cancelled | datetime | When the invoice was cancelled, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
authorized | datetime | When the invoice was authorized, if the invoice went through an authorize and settle flow, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
credits | list[CreditInvoice] | Credits applied to invoice | |
created | datetime | When the invoice was created, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | |
plan_version | int | Subscription plan version | [optional] |
dunning_plan | str | Dunning plan handle | [optional] |
discount_amount | int | The potential discount amount deducted from the invoice amount including VAT | |
org_amount | int | The invoice original amount including VAT, may differ from amount if adjustments have been applied for the invoice | |
amount_vat | int | The invoice vat amount calculated as rounded summed fractional vats for each orderline | |
amount_ex_vat | int | The invoice amount without vat | |
settled_amount | int | Settled amount | |
refunded_amount | int | Refunded amount | |
authorized_amount | int | Authorized amount | [optional] |
credited_amount | int | Credited amount | [optional] |
period_number | int | The subscription period this invoice is for | [optional] |
order_lines | list[OrderLine] | Order lines for invoice sorted by descending timestamp | |
additional_costs | list[str] | Additional costs for invoice | |
transactions | list[Transaction] | Invoice transactions | |
credit_notes | list[InvoiceCreditNote] | Invoice credit notes | [optional] |
dunning_start | datetime | When dunning for the invoice was started, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
dunning_count | int | Number of dunning events for invoice (number of reminders sent) | [optional] |
dunning_expired | datetime | When dunning for the invoice expired, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
period_from | datetime | The start of billing period if the invoice is for a specific billing period, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
period_to | datetime | The end of billing period if the invoice is for a specific billing period, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format. | [optional] |
settle_later | bool | Whether this is a customer one-time invoice that will be settled later | [optional] |
settle_later_payment_method | str | The payment method to use for a later settle of a one-time customer invoice | [optional] |
billing_address | InvoiceBillingAddress | Optional billing address | [optional] |
shipping_address | InvoiceShippingAddress | Optional shipping address | [optional] |
This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 22, 2024. It is now read-only.