- Fix for deprecated method in runtime-core
- Using File.separator in JettyWebAppContextFactory for being OS agnostic
- Removed bottleneck in PlatformEventMultiCaster
- Removed logback as packaged logging implementation. Uses only the slf4j logging facade. Users of Trooper, including Trooper profiles, now provide their own logging binding
- JDK version is 1.8
- Changes to all profile dependencies due to above logging change
- Support for multiple component containers
- Upgrade for Spring 4.2.0.RELEASE version
- Upgrade to other libraries to be API compatible with Spring upgrade
- Code fixes post upgrade
- Added support to change admin port for batch console. Helps to run multiple Trooper batch instances on same machine
- Corrected JSON formatting in services console
- Upgrading snapshot release to full release
- Added support for chaining batch jobs
- Job executions are sorted by recency of execution
- Enhancement to use pre-created queues in RabbitMQ Integration and Mule transport modules
- New HTablePool implementation that validates connections periodically
- Fix to Trooper batch for pagination (issue #34) and alphabetical sorting (issue #35)
- Fix to Trooper batch admin page performance issue (issue #36)
- Fix in FileLocator to use absolute path of files if specified
- Fix in JobInfo to make use of date formatter thread safe
- Fix in Bootstrap to handle failed init of component container
- Bug fix for invoking Metrics Timer in service profile
- Upgrade of all modules to use Spring 3.2.5.RELEASE
- Enhancements/fixes to modules to make them compatible with Spring 3.2.5.RELEASE version
- Bug fix for preventing concurrent job execution in batch profile
- Bug fix in Rabbit consumer for queue with zero messages
- Bug fix to prevent duplicate loading of services in service profile
- Modified POM files to make build versions explicit
- Bug fixes. Notably race condition in batch JMX administrator
- Added ability to re-init Batch jobs and Services. Available using REST endpoints
- Added support to renew TGT tickets for Kerberos secured CDH4 client access libraries i.e. dataaccess-hbase
- Added support to connect to live RabbitMQ nodes in a cluster, node affinity
- Bug fixes. Notably Jetty console display settings for batch-core
- Forced System.exit() in bootstrap destroy
- Warm up HTable instances during startup for faster read/write to HBase
- Bugfixing in dataacess-hbase
- Ignore errors in case properties file is not found (and apply defaults)
- New features
- Support for Kerberos authentication in CDH4
- Bumped up hibarnate version to 3.2.3-ga
- Added requestRate as a metric in Service Framework
- Added support for loading configurations from Trooper config locations
- Bugfixing for Batch HA mode, Zookeeper path is created if it doesn't exist
- Minor bugfixing in ServiceFramework, BootstrapLauncher
- Configuration console for Service Framework core
- Moved to Jackson for JSON marshalling/unmarshlling
New features
- CodaHale metrics integration for better Metrics gathering. New metrics include: P50,P75,P99,P99.9 Response Times, 1-min, 5-min, 15-min rate, etc.
- Added Notification support for metrics. Users can now define custom rules about the metrics and get notifications when any of the rule matches
- Ability to turn off sync in HA mode
- Minor bugfixing: Next fire time not updated in Batch profile [FIXED]
Docs changes:
- https://github.com/regunathb/Trooper/wiki/Writing-Services-in-Trooper [Info on how to use the Metrics Notifications]
- https://github.com/regunathb/Trooper/wiki/Trooper-Services-Web-Console [Added images to show the new console]
- New features
- Server mode for serviceframework, that can be used to view metrics and test the services
- Custom property configurer, that can be used to configure bean properties
- Optimization of Trooper admin (batch server mode), making it much faster when number of executions are high
- Added ability to limit the number of jobInstances for which data has to be stored in memory (by Trooper Admin)
- Minor bugfixings
- Added ability to ignore errors, if job sync doesn't happen due to permissions error (HA mode)
New features in Batch profile:
- Cron expression and next fire time visible on jobs page
- Dynamic deployment of jobs. (Jobs can be deployed on the fly)
- Added job configuration UI for modification of existing jobs and deployment of new jobs
- Support for uploading dependency JARs with job configuration
- Added API for pushing and pulling jobs from one Job Host to the other.
- Clustered mode (High Availability wrapper) now supports automatic synchronization of job Hosts.
- In Clustered (HA) mode, job page shows all the deployed job hosts, and their consoles are accessible
Docs changes:
- https://github.com/regunathb/Trooper/wiki/Writing-Batch-jobs-in-Trooper [Info on how to use the Job configuration console]
- https://github.com/regunathb/Trooper/wiki/Trooper-Batch-Web-Console [Changed images to show the new console]
- https://github.com/regunathb/Trooper/wiki/Useful-Batch-Libraries [Information on synchronization]