diff --git a/packages/remark/readme.md b/packages/remark/readme.md
index ba24469d5..5ec215ccb 100644
--- a/packages/remark/readme.md
+++ b/packages/remark/readme.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# remark [![Build Status][build-badge]][build-status] [![Coverage Status][coverage-badge]][coverage-status] [![Chat][chat-badge]][chat]
-The [**remark**][remark] processor is a markdown processor powered by
+The [`remark`][remark] processor is a markdown processor powered by
-* Interface by [**unified**][unified]
+* Interface by [`unified`][unified]
* [**MDAST**][mdast] syntax tree
-* Parses markdown to the tree with [**remark-parse**][parse]
+* Parses markdown to the tree with [`remark-parse`][parse]
* [Plugins][] transform the tree
-* Compiles the tree to markdown using [**remark-stringify**][stringify]
+* Compiles the tree to markdown using [`remark-stringify`][stringify]
Don’t need the parser? Or the compiler? [That’s OK][unified-usage].
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ npm install remark
## Usage
+###### Common example
+This example lints markdown and turns it into HTML.
var remark = require('remark');
var recommended = require('remark-preset-lint-recommended');
@@ -42,9 +46,58 @@ Yields:
1:1 warning Missing newline character at end of file final-newline remark-lint
⚠ 1 warning
Hello world!
+###### Settings through data
+This example prettifies markdown and configures [`remark-parse`][parse] and
+[`remark-stringify`][stringify] through [data][].
+var remark = require('remark');
+ .data('settings', {commonmark: true, emphasis: '*', strong: '*'})
+ .process('_Emphasis_ and __importance__', function (err, file) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ console.log(String(file));
+ });
+*Emphasis* and **importance**
+###### Settings through a preset
+This example prettifies markdown and configures [`remark-parse`][parse] and
+[`remark-stringify`][stringify] through a [preset][].
+var remark = require('remark');
+ .use({
+ settings: {commonmark: true, emphasis: '*', strong: '*'}
+ })
+ .process('_Emphasis_ and __importance__', function (err, file) {
+ if (err) throw err;
+ console.log(String(file));
+ });
+*Emphasis* and **importance**
## License
[MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]
@@ -82,3 +135,7 @@ Yields:
[plugins]: https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/blob/master/doc/plugins.md
[unified-usage]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified#usage
+[preset]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified#preset
+[data]: https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified#processordatakey-value