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Releases: rhythmagency/formulate

Release v0.6.3

29 Dec 18:17
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Since version 0.6.2, these changes have been made:

  • Export Submissions. You can now export the stored submissions to a CSV. Screenshot below.
  • Field Categories. You can new set fields to configurable categories. Useful if you want to do something with a subset of the fields (e.g., create an email submission handler that only sends some of the fields). Screenshot below.

Export Submissions


Field Categories


Release v0.6.2

21 Dec 21:32
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Since version 0.6.1, these changes have been made:

  • Tea Commerce Compatibility. An incompatibility was fixed allowing for Formulate to be installed alongside Tea Commerce. #70

Release v0.6.1

12 Dec 01:40
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Since version 0.6.0, these changes have been made:

  • Improved Layout Designer. The layout designer looks a little cleaner now (animation below).
  • Improved Action Icons. You will no longer see a clumsy folder icon for all actions (screenshot below). Thanks to @bjarnef and @Axiom12 for their efforts in moving this along.
  • Improved Confirmation Dialogs. Spacing and colors have been improved (screenshot below).
  • Sass Styles. Converted the back office CSS to Sass, which will make styling a little nicer and maintainable.
  • Button Type Classes. Buttons now get a CSS class particular to their type (e.g., next, previous, submit).

Layout Designer Improvements


Action Icon Improvements


Confirmation Dialog Improvements


Release v0.6.0

04 Dec 03:37
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Since version 0.5.1, these changes have been made:

  • Stored Data. Formulate submissions can now be stored to the database and displayed in a list (see screenshots below).

First, create a form with a "Store Data" handler:


Once some submissions have been created, you can then see them by clicking the "Submissions" tree node and selecting the form you want to see submissions for:


Big thanks to @kjac (Kenn Jacobsen) for allowing me to take a look at the source code of his Form Editor.

Release v0.5.1

28 Oct 05:21
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Since version 0.5.0, these changes have been made:

  • Sorting. Formulate tree items now sort alphabetically. Thanks, @Axiom12!

Release v0.5.0

25 Oct 03:45
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Tons has changes since version 0.3.7. Read about it here:

One of the main changes is 7 new field types:


Release v0.3.7

12 Sep 05:45
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Since version 0.3.6, these changes have been made:

  • Permission Fix. You were unable to use most features of Formulate if your user account didn't have permission to the "Users" section of Umbraco. That has been corrected so that you now instead require permission to the "Formulate" section of Umbraco.
  • Payload Information. When you submit a form, you now get some more information passed onto the submission handlers (e.g., the built-in email handler). Currently, this information includes the URL and the name of the content node that was used to display the Formulate form (handy when you use the same form on multiple pages). See below screenshot to see the setting ("Append Payload?") to enable this feature.


Release v0.3.6

29 Aug 15:45
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Since version 0.3.5, these changes have been made:

  • Drop Down Data Value Fix. You can now create new data value kinds that can be used with drop downs.
  • Data Value List Function. This new data value kind allows you to populate a drop down simply by implementing an interface, ISupplyValueAndLabelCollection, that returns a list of items. See here.
  • US State Supplier. To demonstrate the data value list function, an implementation was added that supplies a list of US states. See here.

The below screenshots show the new data value list function being used with the US state supplier. First, you create a new data value with the "List Function" selected as the type:


Next, you select the function you want to be used to populate the data values:


Once you create a form with a drop down field that has your recently created data value selected, you'll see that the drop down gets rendered with the appropriate values:


This list of US states is built into Formulate, but you can implement your own function that can return whatever you want (e.g., it could query a database for some values, or it could request values from a web service).

Release v0.3.5

22 Aug 02:57
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Since version 0.3.4, these changes have been made:

  • Clear Upload. Added the ability to clear the currently selected file upload (see screenshot below).
  • Column Span Bug. Fixed a bug in which using an older Formulate layout could result in an exception due to missing column span information.
  • Null/Undefined Fields. Ensured null/undefined values are not sent in AJAX submissions (FormData seems to serialize them).

Job Form

Release v0.3.4

09 Aug 16:09
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Since version 0.3.2, these changes have been made:

  • Non-Uniform Column Widths. You used to only be able to add 1-4 columns with each column having the identical widths. You can now have 1-12 columns and they can use any width (see screenshot of layout designer below).
  • More Language Files. A language file has been created for each language file that exists in the Umbraco core. This means that Formulate will work for an Umbraco user with any of those languages set (though, all translation files currently contain English text).
  • Disabled Autocomplete. Disabled autocomplete for text fields (since autocomplete bypasses client-side validation on some browsers).
  • Textarea Icon. The textarea now uses a different icon than the text field type, which makes it easier to differentiate between them.
