Releases: robertdebock/ansible-role-logrotate
Releases · robertdebock/ansible-role-logrotate
Bye Travis, Hi GitLab!
1.4.8 Drop amazonlinux:1 (based on RHEL:6 (EOL)) support.
Assert more, specifically on strings.
1.4.7 Test is a defined variable is a string.
Dependencies with badges
1.4.6 Regenerate CI.
Test on Ansible 2.10
1.4.5 Testing on Ansible-2.9 and up.
Quicker verify.
1.4.4 Different way of linting.
yamllint is happy
1.4.3 missing document start "---"
molecule 3.0.7 fixes.
1.4.2 Fix Travis builds.
Remove retries for remote resources.
1.4.1 Remove not-required-anymore retries of remote resources.
Assert values of variables.
1.4.0 Retry tox or molecule 3 times.
Configurable user and group
Merge pull request #2 from aisbergg/master Add options 'logrotate_user' and 'logrotate_group'