Application interface for server methods and message stream subscriptions.
Create your own working BOT for Rocket.Chat, in seconds, at
Add your own Rocket.Chat BOT, running on your favorite Linux, MacOS or Windows system.
First, make sure you have the latest version of nodeJS (nodeJS 8.x or higher).
node -v
In a project directory, add Rocket.Chat.js.SDK as dependency:
npm install --save
Next, create easybot.js with the following:
const { driver } = require('');
// customize the following with your server and BOT account information
const HOST = '';
const USER = 'mysuer';
const PASS = 'mypassword';
const BOTNAME = 'easybot'; // name bot response to
const SSL = true; // server uses https ?
const ROOMS = ['GENERAL', 'myroom1'];
var myuserid;
// this simple bot does not handle errors, different message types, server resets
// and other production situations
const runbot = async () => {
const conn = await driver.connect( { host: HOST, useSsl: SSL})
myuserid = await driver.login({username: USER, password: PASS});
const roomsJoined = await driver.joinRooms(ROOMS);
console.log('joined rooms');
// set up subscriptions - rooms we are interested in listening to
const subscribed = await driver.subscribeToMessages();
// connect the processMessages callback
const msgloop = await driver.reactToMessages( processMessages );
console.log('connected and waiting for messages');
// when a message is created in one of the ROOMS, we
// receive it in the processMesssages callback
// greets from the first room in ROOMS
const sent = await driver.sendToRoom( BOTNAME + ' is listening ...',ROOMS[0]);
console.log('Greeting message sent');
// callback for incoming messages filter and processing
const processMessages = async(err, message, messageOptions) => {
if (!err) {
// filter our own message
if (message.u._id === myuserid) return;
// can filter further based on message.rid
const roomname = await driver.getRoomName(message.rid);
if (message.msg.toLowerCase().startsWith(BOTNAME)) {
const response = message.u.username +
', how can ' + BOTNAME + ' help you with ' +
message.msg.substr(BOTNAME.length + 1);
const sentmsg = await driver.sendToRoom(response, roomname);
The above code uses async calls to login, join rooms, subscribe to message streams and respond to messages (with a callback) using provided options to filter the types of messages to respond to.
Make sure you customize the constants to your Rocket.Chat server account.
Finally, run the bot:
node easybot.js
TBD: insert screenshot of bot working on a server
There's a simple listener script provided to demonstrate functionality locally.
See the source here and/or run it with yarn start
The start script will log to console any message events that appear in its stream. It will respond to a couple specific commands demonstrating usage of the API helpers. Try messaging the bot directly one of the following:
tell everyone <something>
- It will send that "something" to everyonewho's online
- It will tell you who's online
Using this package third party apps can control and query a Rocket.Chat server instance, via Asteroid login and method calls as well as DDP for subscribing to stream events.
Designed especially for chat automation, this SDK makes it easy for bot and integration developers to provide the best solutions and experience for their community.
For example, the Hubot Rocketchat adapter uses this package to enable chat-ops workflows and multi-channel, multi-user, public and private interactions. We have more bot features and adapters on the roadmap and encourage the community to implement this SDK to provide adapters for their bot framework or platform of choice.
Full documentation can be generated locally using yarn docs
This isn't in a format we can publish yet, but can be useful for development.
Below is just a summary:
The following modules are exported by the SDK:
- Handles connection, method calls, room subscriptions (via Asteroid)methodCache
- Manages results cache for calls to server (via LRU cache)api
- Provides a client for making requests with Rocket.Chat's REST API
Access these modules by importing them from SDK, e.g:
For Node 8 / ES5
const { driver, methodCache, api } = require('')
For ES6 supporting platforms
import { driver, methodCache, api } from ''
Any Rocket.Chat server method can be called via driver.callMethod
or driver.asyncCall
. Server methods are not fully
documented, most require searching the Rocket.Chat codebase.
Driver methods use an Asteroid DDP connection. See its own docs for
more advanced methods that can be called from the driver.asteroid
Rocket.Chat REST API calls can be made via api.get
, with
parameters defining the endpoint, payload and if authorization is required
(respectively). See the REST API docs for details.
Some common requests for user queries are made available as simple helpers under
, such as api.users.onlineIds()
which returns the user IDs of all
online users. Run ts-node src/utils/users.ts
for a demo of user query outputs.
The Rocket.Chat message schema can be found here:
The structure for messages in this package matches that schema, with a TypeScript interface defined here:
The driver.prepareMessage
method (documented below) provides a helper for
simple message creation and the message
module can also be imported to create
new Message
class instances directly if detailed attributes are required.
Connects to a Rocket.Chat server
- Options accepts
attributes - Can return a promise, or use error-first callback pattern
- Resolves with an Asteroid instance
Unsubscribe, logout, disconnect from Rocket.Chat
- Returns promise
Login to Rocket.Chat via Asteroid
- Accepts object with
- Uses defaults from env
- Returns promise
- Resolves with logged in user ID
Logout current user via Asteroid
- Returns promise
Subscribe to Meteor subscription
- Accepts parameters for Rocket.Chat streamer
- Returns promise
- Resolves with subscription instance (with ID)
Cancel a subscription
- Accepts a subscription instance
- Returns promise
Cancel all current subscriptions
- Returns promise
Shortcut to subscribe to user's message stream
- Uses
arguments with defaults- topic:
- roomId:
- topic:
- Returns a subscription instance
Once a subscription is created, using driver.subscribeToMessages()
this method
can be used to attach a callback to changes in the message stream.
Fires callback with every change in subscriptions.
- Uses error-first callback pattern
- Second argument is the changed item
- Third argument is additional attributes, such as
For example usage, see the Rocket.Chat Hubot adapter's receive function, which is bound as a callback to this method:
Proxy for reactToMessages
with some filtering of messages based on config.
This is a more user-friendly method for bots to subscribe to a message stream.
Fires callback after filters run on subscription events.
- Uses error-first callback pattern
- Second argument is the changed item
- Third argument is additional attributes, such as
Accepts options object, that parallels respond filter env variables:
- options.rooms : respond to messages in joined rooms
- options.allPublic : respond to messages on all channels
- : respond to messages in DMs with the SDK user
- options.livechat : respond to messages in Livechat rooms
- options.edited : respond to edited messages
If rooms are given as option or set in the environment with ROCKETCHAT_ROOM
but have not been joined yet this method will join to those rooms automatically.
If allPublic
is true, the rooms
option will be ignored.
Wraps server method calls to always be async
- Accepts a method name and params (array or single param)
- Returns a Promise
Call server method with methodCache
- Accepts a method name and single param (used as cache key)
- Returns a promise
- Resolves with server results or cached if still valid
Implements either asyncCall
or cacheCall
if cache exists
- Accepts a method name and params (array or single param)
- Outcome depends on if
was done for the method
Replace the default log, e.g. with one from a bot framework
- Accepts class or object with
methods. - Returns nothing
Get ID for a room by name
- Accepts name or ID string
- Is cached
- Returns a promise
- Resolves with room ID
Get name for a room by ID
- Accepts ID string
- Is cached
- Returns a promise
- Resolves with room name
Get ID for a DM room by its recipient's name
- Accepts string username
- Returns a promise
- Resolves with room ID
Join the logged in user into a room
- Accepts room name or ID string
- Returns a promise
As above, with array of room names/IDs
Structure message content for sending
- Accepts a message object or message text string
- Optionally addressing to room ID with second param
- Returns a message object
Send a prepared message object (with pre-defined room ID)
- Accepts a message object
- Returns a promise that resolves to sent message object
Prepare and send string/s to specified room ID
- Accepts message text string or array of strings
- Returns a promise or array of promises that resolve to sent message object/s
As above, with room name instead of ID
As above, with username for DM instead of ID
- Creates DM room if it doesn't exist
LRU is used to cache results from the server, to reduce unnecessary calls for data that is unlikely to change, such as room IDs. Utility methods and env vars allow configuring, creating and resetting caches for specific methods.
Set the instance to call methods on, with cached results
- Accepts an Asteroid instance (or possibly other classes)
- Returns nothing
Setup a cache for a method call
- Accepts method name and cache options object, such as:
Maximum size of cachemaxAge
Maximum age of cache
Get results of a prior method call or call and cache
- Accepts method name to call and key as single param
- Only methods with a single string argument can be cached (currently) due to the usage of this argument as the index for the cached results.
Checking if method has been cached
- Accepts method name
- Returns bool
Get results of a prior method call
- Accepts method name and key (argument method called with)
- Returns results at key
Reset a cached method call's results
- Accepts a method name, optional key
- If key given, clears only that result set
- Returns bool
Reset cached results for all methods
- Returns nothing
We've included an API client to make it super simple for bots and apps consuming the SDK to call the Rocket.Chat REST API endpoints.
By default, it will attempt to login with the same defaults or env config as
the driver, but the .login
method could be used manually prior to requests to
use different credentials.
If a request is made to an endpoint requiring authentication, before login is called, it will attempt to login first and keep the response token for later.
Bots and apps should manually call the API .logout
method on shutdown if they
have used the API.
Returns boolean status of existing login
Make a POST request to the REST API
- The API resource ID,
- Request payload object to send, e.g. { roomName: 'general' }auth
- If authorisation is required (defaults to true)- Returns promise
Make a GET request to the REST API
- The API endpoint resource ID, e.g.users.list
- Params (converted to query string), e.g. { fields: { 'username': 1 } }auth
- If authorisation is required (defaults to true)- Returns promise
Perform login with default or given credentials
object with.username
properties.- Returns promise, resolves with login result
Logout the current user. Returns promise
Exported property with details of the current API session
- The login request result.username
- The logged in user's username.userId
- The logged in user's ID.authToken
- The current auth token
Exported property for user query helper default fields
- Defaults to
{ name: 1, username: 1, status: 1, type: 1 }
- See
Helper for querying all users
- Optional fields object (see fields docs link above)
- Returns promise, resolves with array of user objects
Helper for querying all usernames
- Returns promise, resolves with array of usernames
Helper for querying all user IDs
- Returns promise, resolves with array of IDs
Helper for querying online users
- Optional fields object (see fields docs link above)
- Returns promise, resolves with array of user objects
Helper for querying online usernames
- Returns promise, resolves with array of usernames
Helper for querying online user IDs
- Returns promise, resolves with array of IDs
A local instance of Rocket.Chat is required for unit tests to confirm connection and subscription methods are functional. And it helps to manually run your SDK interactions (i.e. bots) locally while in development.
yarn add
npm install --save
ES6 module, using async
import * as rocketchat from ''
const asteroid = await rocketchat.driver.connect({ host: 'localhost:3000' })
console.log('connected', asteroid)
ES5 module, using callback
const rocketchat = require('')
rocketchat.driver.connect({ host: 'localhost:3000' }, function (err, asteroid) {
if (err) console.error(err)
else console.log('connected', asteroid)
Env var | Description |
URL of the Rocket.Chat to connect to |
Username for bot account login |
Password for bot account login |
Set to 'ldap' to enable LDAP login |
Force bot to connect with SSL |
Respond listens in the named channel/s (can be csv) |
true/false, respond listens in all public channels |
true/false, respond listens in livechat |
true/false, respond listens to DMs with bot |
true/false, respond listens to edited messages |
ID applied to message object to integration source |
Advanced configs | |
Size of cache (LRU) for room (ID or name) lookups |
Max age of cache for room lookups |
Size of cache for Direct Message room lookups |
Max age of cache for DM lookups |
Test configs | |
Admin user password for API |
Admin user password for API |
These are only required in test and development, assuming in production they will be passed from the adapter implementing this package.
is ignored when using LISTEN_ON_ALL_PUBLIC
. This option also
allows the bot to listen and respond to messages from all private groups where
the bot's user has been added as a member.
Clone and run a new instance of Rocket.Chat locally, using either the internal mongo or a dedicated local mongo for testing, so you won't affect any other Rocket.Chat development you might do locally.
The following will provision a default admin user on build, so it can be used to access the API, allowing SDK utils to prepare for and clean up tests.
git clone rc-sdk-test
cd rc-sdk-test
meteor npm install
export ADMIN_PASS=pass; export ADMIN_USERNAME=sdk; export MONGO_URL='mongodb://localhost:27017/rc-sdk-test'; meteor
Using yarn
to run local tests and build scripts is recommended.
Do npm install -g yarn
if you don't have it. Then setup the project:
git clone
cd Rocket.Chat.js.SDK
yarn test
runs tests and coverage locally (pretest does lint)yarn test:debug
runs tests without coverage, breaking for debug attachyarn start
run locally from source, to allow manual testing of streamsyarn docs
generates API docs locally, thenopen docs/index.html
yarn build
runs tests, coverage, compiles, and tests package for publishingyarn test:package
uses package-preview to make sure the published node package can be required and run only with defined dependencies, to avoid errors that might pass locally due to existing global dependencies or symlinks.
is run on git push hooks to prevent publishing with failing tests,
but won't change coverage to avoid making any working copy changes after commit.
The node scripts in utils
are used to prepare for and clean up after test
interactions. They use the Rocket.Chat API to create a bot user and a mock human
user for the bot to interact with. It is always advised to only run tests with
a connection to a clean local or re-usable container instance of Rocket.Chat.
Configs are included in source for VS Code using Wallaby or Mocha Sidebar.